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‘贫穷的人就是没有自由的人。’Necessitous men are not free men.

这是最急需的项目。It is the most necessitous project.

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食品和水对我们来说是必需的。Food and water is necessitous to us.

主教打算走访城市里的贫困地区。The bishop planned to necessitous areas of the city.

现在最紧迫的就是要马上振作起来,用饱满的激情投入到学习和工作中去。The necessitous thing now is get up stream at once, and put full enthusiasm into the study and work.

该算法综合考虑了副本的供求关系、数据的紧迫度和数据的字节有用性。SDU considers copy's supply and demand, data's necessitous degree and bytes benefit of streaming media.

真正的个人自由在没有经济安全和独立的情况下,是不存在的,贫者无自由。True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and necessitous men are not free men.

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这一状况严重影响了职业教育质量的提高,职业教育课程改革势在必行。This situation results in the low-grade education in vocational school, so the reform of vocational curriculum is necessitous.

因而,如何面对这一巨大的历史机遇和挑战,是世界各国都面临的紧迫任务。Thus, How to face this great historic opportunity and challenge is an necessitous mission confronted by each country in the world.

人类将面临油气资源枯竭的问题,如何寻找接替的能源成为当前紧迫的任务。Human will face with the problem of exhausted resources. How to find out the alternative energy becomes currently necessitous task.

如此,“公民社会”与政府便成为社会发展和进步中不可缺少和不可替代的角色。In this way, both "civil society" and government become the necessitous and non-substitutive roles in the social development and progress.

因此,在单位社区日渐衰败的今天,对单位社区本身发展历程的研究也就显得尤为迫切。Therefore, nowadays with the gradual downfall of Danwei community, it is very necessitous to study the developmental course of the unit community.

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随着EPA的快速发展,EPA系统的现场设备、现场控制器、网桥等关键技术的开发也迫在眉睫。With the rapid development of EPA, the design and development of the EPA field device, EPA field controller and EPA Bridge are very necessitous now.

在新的历史时期,加强和改进大学生思想政治教育是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。In the new historical era, strengthen and improve college students ideological and political education is an important and necessitous strategy task.

因此,必须尽快实现农村劳动力的合理有序转移,千方百计保障农民充分就业。So it is necessitous to transfer the rural labor reasonably and orderly in order to ensure the full employment of the farmer by every possible means.

为此,本文以提高航空弹药供应链平时和战时的响应速度为出发点,应用供应链管理理论,对航空弹药供应链问题进行研究。To introduce new management theory of supply chain to improve the management level of the supply system of the air ammunitions is a necessitous task.

在高校教学管理这项系统工程中,督导工作是建立完善、高效的教学管理体制不可或缺的重要环节。The inspectation word is the necessitous and important step for the perfect, effective system of teaching method during the building of the teaching management project.

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对于目前的电力部门来说,面临着一个非常棘手而紧迫的任务,就是电网参数管理的规范化和科学化。The power department is now facing a very necessitous and difficult problem, which is the scientizing and standardization of the method of power system parameter management.

正如贵国前总统罗斯福曾指出的“真正的个人自由,在没有经济安全和独立的情况下,是不存在的”“贫者无自由”,。Just as your former President Franklin Roosevelt said, "True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, " and Necessitous men are not free men.

因此,研究一个电力系统能够接受的风电穿透功率水平以及风电并网系统的经济运行方式成为十分紧迫的课题。As a result, It become more and more necessitous to study the wind power penetration level allowed by main system and the economic load dispatch in wind power integrated system.