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认为可以胜过猪您的游戏?Think that you can outplay a pig on your Playstation?

谁今晚在场上控制大卫鲁伊兹?Who was controlling David Luiz tonight on the Playstation?

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难道索爱现在是太忙于传言中的基于PlayStation的手机?Maybe Sony Ericsson are too busy focusing on a certain, rumoured PlayStation handset?

不过索尼是否能依靠“标新立异”来为PS3吸引新的玩家则还是未知数。But whether a different tack will succeed in drawing new players to the PlayStation 3 is unclear.

黑客把索尼公司的PlayStation网络,索尼在线娱乐以及Qriocity音乐系统作为攻击目标。Hackers targeted Sony's PlayStation Network, Sony Online Entertainment and Qriocity music systems.

你的游戏站就不必担心——还——到目前你的平板电脑就只能想想而已了。Your PlayStation doesn't need to be worried -- yet -- and your tablet can only dream of doing this, for now.

科比刚刚和耐克重新签订了合同。一年前,他得到了索尼的合同,而索尼解除和詹姆斯的合同已经在运行。Bryant just re-signed with Nike . A year ago he got a Sony Playstation deal James had been in the running for.

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随着时间的推移,他明白了他得让队友们使用他的NDS和PSP来在队里建立良好关系。With time, he learned that he needed to allow them to use his Nintendo and PlayStation to build goodwill within the team.

在接下来的几周,索尼将会通过PS网络下载服务来扩展影片和电视节目出租的业务。Sony is expected to roll-out its film and TV rental service, the PlayStation Network Delivery Service, in the next few weeks.

索爱需将其率先面市的优势最大化,此后必然会有许多厂商跟风。Sony Ericsson needs to maximize its first-to-market advantage before the inevitable rush to join the PlayStation party," said CCS's Blaber.

当你把wii和上个月也卖的很好,但由其他公司生产的xbox363,ps3相比较时,这就很是尴尬了。When you compare those sales with the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, which by any other standard had a good month, it's just embarrassing.

上周,索尼将其电视机部门年销量预测从2,700万部下调为2,200万部。Last week, the maker of Bravia TVs and PlayStation game consoles cut its annual forecast for televisions to 22 million sets from 27 million.

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Sakaguchi曾担任索尼的设计师,他在2004年末最早提出了Walkman手机的想法,他认为PlayStation手机可能还需要几年的时间才能实现。A former Sony designer, Mr. Sakaguchi proposed the first Walkman phone in late 2004 and figures a PlayStation phone could still be years away.

自从PD工作室在1997年研发了该系列的首款游戏以来,超过63000000的游戏碟基于索尼PS的各种平台销售于世界范围。Since Polyphony Digital first introduced the series in 1997, over 63 million units have been sold worldwide on the variety of Sony Playstation consoles.

游戏商店并没有很大的努力,促进新版本,和向上销售的标准零售战略这样的交叉销售,是完全不存在。The Playstation Store makes little effort to promote new releases, and standard retail strategies like cross-selling and up-selling are completely absent.

预计索尼会在它新出的PlayStation3上使用这个东西,防止游戏玩家把游戏带到一个朋友家,或者出售一款已用过的游戏。Speculation is that it will be used for the upcoming PlayStation 3, preventing gamers from, say, bringing a game to a friend's house, or selling a used game.

如果索尼公司想要向南加利福尼亚州的年龄在十几岁的PlayStation3玩家们进行一个平板电视的推广,你认为他们会打给谁呢?If Sony wants to target teenage PlayStation 3 owners in Southern California with a special promotion on flatscreen TVs, who do you think they are going to call?

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她们愿意让前夫把床、沙发、割草机、咖啡机、手提电脑、数码相机、游戏机和所有的酒都带走。They were happy for their former husband to keep the bed, sofa, lawnmower, coffee machine, laptop, digital camera, PlayStation and any wine and drinks they had.

1999年早期,索尼发布了它的第二代游戏机PlayStation2,PS2显然不仅仅是个玩具。From the moment in early 1999 when Sony announced its second-generation home video game console, the PlayStation 2, it was clear this would be no mere plaything.

索爱的回答是索尼爱立信游戏手机,一款机器人智能手机,侧滑盖,有控制键,使人联想起索尼便携式游戏机。Sony Ericsson's answer is the Xperia Play, an Android smartphone with a slide-out set of controller buttons, reminiscent of Sony's PlayStation Portable gaming device.