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侏儒是一个爱描述的种族。Gnomes are a very descriptive race.

描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

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描写槽孔位置标签增加了。Descriptive slot position label added.

更具描述性的消息会更好些。A more descriptive message would be better.

这将使状态变得更加有描述性。This will make the states more descriptive.

所有这些导致了现代描述统计学的诞生。All of which led to modern descriptive statistics.

错误消息是专业性和描述性的。The error messages are professional and descriptive.

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进行了描述性和相关性分析。Descriptive and correlational analyses were conducted.

换而言之,用描述性文本围绕这些链接。In other words, surround the link with descriptive text.

苗语中存在丰富的状词补语,且趋向于丰富、细腻。The complement of descriptive words is very rich and nuance.

它既是一种标准通用置标语言,又是一种文本描述语言。It is both a SGML and a document descriptive markup language.

许多学生认为描述性的生态学是干燥无味的课题。Many students think that descriptive ecology is a dry subject.

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清炖牛肉风味通过描述分析评定。The stewed beef aroma was used to quante descriptive analysis.

它应该简洁,但是描述的行为应该被执行。It should be brief, but descriptive of the action to be performed.

导航需要的是直观,描述的清晰,直来直去。Navigation needs to be intuitive, descriptive and straightforward.

形而上学往往是修正的,而很少是描述的。Metaphysics has been often revisionary , and less often descriptive.

同样,这些扩展使我可以很好利用描述性的消息。Again, these extensions let me make good use of descriptive messages.

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修正的形而上学就是起到了描述的形而上学的作用。Revisionary metaphysics is at the service of descriptive metaphysics.

其次,实践于其是解释性的倒不如是命令性的。Secondly, the practice should be descriptive rather than prescriptive.

每个“关注点”应该伴随一个描述性的标题。Each focus point should ideally be accompanied by a descriptive heading.