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许多侯鸟每年都会来这湖里作短暂逗留。Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.

鹀亚科的鸟类是迁徙鸟类中最多的类群。Buntings are the biggest monoid of migratory bird.

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候鸟会长距离携带H5N1型禽流感病毒吗?Can migratory birds carry H5N1 over long distances?

奥吉布瓦人各部落都分为若干迁徙性家族。Each Ojibwa tribe was divided into migratory bands.

新大陆的移栖的蝗虫和常见的美洲蚱蜢。New World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers.

鳗是一个典型的洄游鱼类,一些在海上的生活时间。Lamprey is a typical migratory fish, some time in the sea of life.

候鸟的阳性率极显著高于留鸟。The positive rate of migratory birds is higher than resident birds.

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候鸟是否传播高致病性禽流感病毒?Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?

这张白尾鹞照片摄于犹他州贝尔河候鸟保护地。for photo of Northern Harriers, Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT

改治结合,根除蝗害的关键因子是“水”。Water is the key factor for controlling the Oriental migratory locust.

萨利亚内区地处经常出现候鸟的湿地附近。The Salyan Rayon is located near wetlands frequented by migratory birds.

首先,对东亚飞蝗生境的含义进行了探讨。First, the meanings of habitat of oriental migratory locust were explored.

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目的观察犬弓首线虫幼虫在小鼠体内的移行情况。Objective To observe the migratory route of Toxocara canis larvae in mice.

卡雷什指出,候鸟没有将病毒带到其他国家。Migratory birds are not carrying the virus into other nations, Karesh said.

候鸟要飞很长的距离往返于夏季的栖息地和冬季的栖息地。Migratory birds fly long distances between a winter home and a summer home.

洄游的鲑鱼需要凉爽、含氧丰富的水域进行繁殖。Migratory salmonoids require cool, well-oxygenated water in which to spawn.

青海湖鸟岛上有数以十万计的候鸟。Bird Island in Qinghai Lake on the hundreds of thousands of migratory birds.

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白鹳是候鸟,喜欢在屋顶或高大的树上筑巢。White stork is migratory birds, like on the roof or large nests in the trees.

随着季节的变化,候鸟开始陆续到达沿海的湿地。As the season changes, migratory birds begin to arrive at the coastal wetland.

飘泊的歌儿从我心中飞去在你爱的呼声里寻找窠巢。Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their nests in your voice od love.