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我们也可以说,神就是为了救赎的目的,才允许它这么做。And we can say that God allows it only for redemptive purposes.

救赎通过对基督代赎的信念得以实现。Salvation comes through faith in Christ's redemptive sacrifice.

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圣灵的救赎工作,本质上是末世性的。Redemptive work of the Holy Spirit is inherently eschatological.

在这救赎的触碰里不仅只有性。There's a lot more than sex implied in this redemptive touching.

他们都是09年拯救电影中的主要人物。They're all key characters in the year's best redemptive movies.

而兰在她的生命里从来没有品尝过这样一份救赎式的爱。And she never experienced that kind of redemptive love in her life.

我相信临终忏悔和基督重生。I believe in the redemptive death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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继续用信心工作不劳而获的苦楚是赎回的。Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

坚持下去吧,要坚决相信,忍受不应得的痛苦是一种赎罪。Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

然而,他伟大的斗争也有很多挽回颜面的胜利时刻。Yet there were many moments of redemptive glory in his great struggle.

丢失的梦想,且是不太可能的友谊和音乐的救赎之力。A lost dream, an unlikely friendship and the redemptive power of music.

求祢救我们脱离那些自称具救赎力的假神和替代物。Rescue us from false gods and substitutes that claim redemptive powers.

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我想,整个宇宙都在协力帮助我们在这里迎来救赎的时刻。I think the universe is conspiring to help us have a redemptive moment here.

要作基督徒只需的是对基督和他代赎的信仰。All that was needed to be a Christian was faith in Christ and his redemptive sacrifice.

买回的黄瓜放一晚上,第二天又“长”大了,这肯定是使用过激素膨大剂。Redemptive cucumber on the very next day and night, " long", this is definitely used hormone swelling agent.

但是神的救赎奇妙的地方就在于,即使那些最坏和最恶毒的冒犯也不能和他广阔深高的爱相比。The marvel of the Redemptive Reality of God is that the worst and the vilest can never get to the bottom of His love.

他所钦佩的是书中对马尔科姆救赎旅程和他最终的救赎,最终成为一名普遍主义者的描述。What he admired was the book’s depiction of Malcolm’s redemptive journey and his redemptive, universalist final year.

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视复活的耶稣基督是道成肉身的基督。基督完全是人。「最后的亚当」完全拥有亚当的本性。Redemptive History sees the resurrection of Christ as incarnate – his genuine humanity, Adamic character as last Adam.

红卍字会的临时慈业包括战事救助和灾荒救助。The temporary philanthropic enterprise of the Red Swastika included redemptive activities in the time of war and famine.

然而,这是在未考虑提前赎回可转债的情况下作出的猜测。However, this is considering to shift to an earlier date redemptive can turn make below the circumstance of debt forecast.