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他的名字将遗臭万年。His name will live in infamy.

您没有抗议这种无耻的事情吗?Did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

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夜的黑鸟,她哀伤邪恶的歌唱。Where night's black bird her sad infamy sins.

我们不会从某个男人或女人身上认出任何丑行的标志。We discern no badge of infamy on man or woman.

您没办法阻止这种无耻的行为吗?And did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

今天,我们,所有中国人,都活在耻辱之中。Today, we, all the Chinese, will live in infamy.

你愿意给你神圣的职业蒙受耻辱吗?Would you bring infamy on your sacred profession?

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与其苟且偷生不如光荣而死。It's better to die with hornor than to live in infamy.

在公共市场上,她周围泛滥着对她丑行的种种议论。Infamy was babbling around her in the public market-place.

然而穆加贝显然对他在国际社会上的臭名一笑置之。Yet Mugabe apparently tries to laugh off his global infamy.

骄傲的人先是富足,而后贫穷,而后恶名远扬。Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, supped with infamy.

另一方面,错误编码则提示我在我的代码之外有一个臭名昭著的错误。Otherwise, an error code indicates that there is infamy outside my code.

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骄者往往早餐丰盛,午餐寒酸,晚餐时声名狼藉。Pride breakfasted with Plenty, dined with Poverty, and supped with Infamy.

事实上,许多人甚至似乎对他们的可耻的良好精神的骄傲位。In fact, many even seem to take a bit of good-spirited pride in their infamy.

我们应该承认巴黎心甘情愿让无耻在那儿装腔作势。Paris,--let us confess it--willingly allows infamy to furnish it with comedy.

克隆将作为致畸高手,与不安全药物“反应停”一样。Cloning would join the u afe drug Thalidomide in the teratogenic hall of infamy.

但是,请你们注意,我从前想洗雪的那种羞辱,确是一种有害的东西。But, you see, the infamy from which I have tried to escape is an injurious thing.

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如果臭名昭著也是一种‘欢迎’,那么这个女人可能会排名第一。If infamy were the same as popularity, this woman would probably be at the top of the list.

我是承认我对于那些罪大恶极的罪行负有责任,但是这些都不过是我的谎言。I confess that I am indeed guilty of the greatest infamy. But the infamy is that I have lied.

但是就在你们中间,却站着一个人,他的罪孽和耻辱并不为你们所回避!But there stood one in the midst of you, at whose brand of sin and infamy ye have not shuddered!