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革螨种多度分布用对数正态分布模型拟合。A lognormal distribution model was used to fit the mite species abundance.

结果表明,腐植酸絮体的粒径呈现对数正态分布。The results showed that Al-humic floc size followed a lognormal distribution.

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本文应用似然比检验理论,研究了对数正态总体的假设检验问题。In this paper, we study the test of hypothesis of the lognormal population by applying likelihood ratio.

惠州市区意愿支付调查验证了假设时间价值为对数正态分布的可行性。Furthermore, Willingness to Pay surveys in Huizhou has verified the lognormal distribution assumption of VOT.

从分析可以看出,岩石破坏块度的对数正态分布与材料的多重破坏有关。It is demonstrated that lognormal distribution is closely related to the multi-fold fracture of the material.

当数据集根据三参数分布曲线得到填充时,数据就是有限匹配的。When the dataset was fitted against a three parameter lognormal distribution curve, the data was a reasonable fit.

文中介绍了对数正态分布模型和泊松分布模型,在此基础上构造了生育率组合模型。This paper presented two fertility rate models, i. e. , lognormal distribution model and Poisson distribution model.

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模式化室内氡气浓度时常假设,其于一定范围内为对数常态分布。The usual way to model indoor radon concentrations is to assume lognormal distributions of concentrations on a given territory.

本文研究如何用地质统计学方法处理服从对数正态分布的化探数据的问题。This paper studies how to use the geostatistical method in processing geochemical data, which follows the lognormal distribution.

在地质学中,对数正态分布已被广泛用以表示沉积粒度变化特征和地球化学元素浓集情况。The lognormal distribution is widely used in geology to characterize sediment size variations and geochemical element concetrations.

B-S模型假定债券服从对数正态分布,利用它来对利率衍生产品定价时有一些缺陷。The B-S model hypothesis bond obeys the lognormal distribution, it have some flaws when using it to price the rate derivatives bonds.

结果表明,在同一应力水平下,所用试样的常幅疲劳寿命服从对数正态分布。It is shown by test results that at a given equivalent stress amplitude the constant amplitude fatigue life follows the lognormal distribution.

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在分析了无偏条件及最小估计方差之后,给出了对数正态克立格法方程组及对数克立格方差。The lognormal kriging systems and logarithmic kriging variance are established after non-bias condition and minimum estimation variance are studied.

由于威布尔分布或对数正态分布常用来分析寿命分布问题,故优先考虑这两种模型。Weibull distribution or lognormal distribution is often used to analyze lifetime problem, so the two models are preferentially considered in tis paper.

吉尔布瑞特规律认为,企业的成长是一个随机过程,进而导致企业规模分布收敛于对数正态分布。Gibrat's law thinks that the growth of firm is a random process, and thus results in the size distribution of firm converging to lognormal distribution.

提出了两步法来获得对数正态和正态分布大样本定时截尾寿命试验参数的近似置信域。Two-step-method is presented for constructing the large sample approximate confidence regions for lognormal and normal distribution under type-I life test.

研究表明,在含有絮凝缓冲液的模拟系统中,自絮凝酵母颗粒粒径分布符合对数正态分布。In a simulated system composed of the floc-buffer suspensions, it was found that the floc size distributions could be characterized by a lognormal function.

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本文对净资产价值的分布进行了实证分析,结论表明净资产价值服从对数正态分布。In this paper, we make a demonstration analysis on net asset value distribution, it is proved that the net value of assets subject to lognormal distribution.

在样本数据精确,统计假设模糊的情形,以控制出现两类错误的概率为目的,研究了对数正态分布下的模糊假设检验问题。For restricting the probabilities of two types of errors, the fuzzy hypothesis test under lognormal distribution is studied with crisp data and fuzzy hypotheses.

并提出了洪水洪量的对数正态分布模型来表征年最大洪量分布中历时的尺度影响。And a scaling lognormal model of flood volume is introduced to represent the affection of temporal scale of duration in annual maximum flood volume distributions.