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这是一句口语。This is a colloquialism.

是我们常用的口语词。It is a common colloquialism.

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这找不着北啊是口语里的一种说法。It's a colloquialism in north China.

她的演讲是非正式的,很口语化。Her speech is informal and filled with colloquialism.

可以呀。会用成语解释口语了。Big deal. You can use an idiom to interpret a colloquialism.

把这篇古文译成白话文。Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language.

这个词已经从俚语提高到口语的地位。The word has been elevated from the status of slang to colloquialism.

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带拱常见的俗语是“香蕉效应”或“香蕉带”。Common colloquialism for belt camber is "banana effect" or "banana belt".

尽量白话不要拗口难懂,避免生僻字。As far as possible colloquialism does not want awkward-sounding difficult, avoid rare word.

总的说来,中期作品在体现吐温作品的口语化风格上尤为显著。All in all, the works of the Middle Period most significantly reflect Twain's style of colloquialism.

二是表现技法上的,仅以叙述和口语化为时髦,而放弃诸多的表现手法。Secondly, the poets pursue colloquialism and plain narration, and has abandoned the expression techniques.

因此,在某些情况下,中国古代白话语言比五四以来吸收欧化语言成长起来的现代白话语言更具魅力。So we find that Chinese ancient colloquialism had more charm than the modern colloquialism from the time of Wusi in some case.

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虽然在邮件中或聊天室里使用口语表达可以接受,但是过度的口语用法会降低一篇正式的书面文本的质量。While it may be acceptable in email or in chat rooms, excessive colloquialism can diminish the quality of a formal written text.

胡适是五四新文化运动的旗手,他倡导文学革命,号召民众用白话文进行创作。Hu Shi is the leader of the new cultural movement, he advocated the literary revolution and called people to write in colloquialism.

弗罗斯特氏诗歌充满新英格兰乡间风味,诗歌主题朴素,语言平实,充满美国口语色彩。Frost's poems are filled with local flavor of New England. The themes of his poems are simple, natural and full of American colloquialism.

因此,在保障语体文作为现在语文教学主体的前提下,也要重视文言文的教学。So we should pay attention to the classical Chinese teaching in the condition of making the colloquialism teaching to be the principal part.

小说有开阔的视域和巨大的冲击力,人物性格具有现代主义性质,语言上带有鲜明黑色幽默语调和“口语”特。The novel has a wide field of vision and overwhelming momentum, and the language is characterised by a tone of black humor and "colloquialism".

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文章探讨了口语语体中形容词的实际运用情况,具体分析了形容词在口语语体中的分布情况。This paper studies the application of the adjectives in colloquialism, and gives an analysis of the distribution of the adjectives in colloquialism.

清代笔记小说记录并解释了大量的俗语词,为汉语词汇研究提供了十分珍贵的语言材料。Literary sketches of the Qing Dynasty record and explain lots of colloquialism and provide quite precious materials for the study of Chinese vocabulary.

五四时期,胡适发动白话文改革并挑起“问题与主义”之争,在当时产生了巨大影响,但直至今天这两件事仍颇受争议。In May 4th Movement period, Hushi launched Colloquialism Reform and Problem and Doctrin Argument, which caused a significant impact and are controversial today still.