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我看了一眼,就走了过去。I saw one eye, walk elapse.

不过,这种破坏性的地震之间往往相隔多年。Many years, however, usually elapse between such destructive.

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在塑性流变完成之前,可以经过一段可估计的时间。An appreciable time may elapse before plastic flow is completed.

不过随着日子一天天流逝,他们的心境发生了变化。Elapse every day as the day nevertheless, their mood produced change.

这个夏天,六个毕业的年青人相约往沙滩露营,纪念青春的流逝。Six graduates go to summer camp on the beach to elapse their youthfulness.

眼睛慢慢的闭起,眼角滑过一滴晶莹的泪。Eyes slowly begin to shut, the canthus slides elapse a drop of radiant tears.

失去的必定会逝去,纵然回归,也不会如以前无暇。Will lose will elapse surely, even if will return, also not like before had no time.

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他这一去可能就是多年,席上有些人恐怕今世也难得再见他面。Years probably would elapse before his return. Some of us might never see him again.

“大家吃肉了。”贺宸的声音传来,丁一康第一个冲过去。"Everyone ate meat. "He Chen of the voice scatter, D one Kang the first dull elapse.

转眼已过去几个月了,外面又有什么在等着他们呢!Turning the eye already elapse few months, the outside has afresh what at await them!

我不可能让假日过去无意义,我的假期应该是阶段收获。I cannot let the holidays elapse meaninglessly , my vacation should be a phase of harvest.

此刻离克拉拉约定的时间只差三刻钟了。He had only three-quarters of an hour left before the time appointed by his Clara would elapse.

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固体障碍物越远,回声返回所用时间就越长。The further off this solid obstruction, the longer time will elapse for the return of the echo.

还可以由外向内推移衬板调节间隙,控制出料粒度。Still can adjust by scaleboard of the elapse inside extroversion clearance, control gives makings size.

他选的那本激励人心的书提供了雄辩的事实,说明时光的流逝会消除我们的痛苦。The elevating book he elected provided eloquent facts that the elapse of time will eliminate our distress.

光阴似箭,日月如梭,50年峥嵘岁月融入历史长河。Time is like an arrow, time elapse quickly, 50 years extraordinary years blends in historical endless flow.

随着时间的飞逝,她的名字早被遗忘,然而她不屈不挠的精神却永远不会消失。With the elapse of time , her name has faded from our memory , yet her unbending spirit shall never perish.

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能量色散谱元素分析表明,含有碳、氮、氧元素的基底膜层在金属移植物周围形成。Results The metallic implants made of magnesium alloys were degraded entirly in vivo with the elapse of time.

而互斥量对象除了记录当前信号状态外,还要记住此时那个线程拥有它。It uses no processor time while waiting for the object state to become signaled or the time-out interval to elapse.

呵呵,既然已经失去了无论如何也是无法弥补的,就让她随风消逝吧,向前看好了。Ha ha, since having yet anyhow lost can not likewise make up, make her elapse with the breeze, Be optimistic about ahead.