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这些城市包括了塔科马、加州的圣荷塞和橘子郡。and Orange County, Calif.

把机器人送往太空中,然后捕获一颗小行星,接着将其带回地球的轨道之中。PASADENA, Calif. —Send a robot into space.

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今年27岁的凯西•约翰逊居住在加州的圣马科斯。Cassie Johnson, a 27-year old in San Marcos, Calif.

老李在加州莫德斯托的大宅里长大。Mr. Munson grew up in a big house in Modesto, Calif.

保罗·基泽尔是加州贝弗利山的一名原告律师。Paul Kiesel, a plaintiffs' lawyer in Beverly Hills, Calif.

他的家乡加州桑塔克莱里塔对他赞不绝口。His home town of Santa Clarita, Calif. , erupted in praise.

加利福尼亚州康科德的Pro-Troll公司在其鱼饵中也加入了芯片。Pro-Troll of Concord, Calif., also puts chips in its lures.

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受到影响的两架UH-1Y停放在加州彭德尔顿军营。The two affected UH-1Ys, stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

它最初的顾客之一就是位于加州帕罗奥图的IMVU公司。One of its first customers was Palo Alto, Calif. -based IMVU Inc.

该歌星在2005年被圣玛利亚的陪审团宣判无罪。The singer was acquitted in 2005 by a jury in Santa Maria, Calif.

工作地点将在弗吉尼亚州瀑布教堂和加利福尼亚州圣迭戈。Work will be performed in Falls Church, Va. and San Diego, Calif.

其传人居住在加州旧金山郊外。Descendants live outside San Francisco in Cortina and Colusa, Calif.

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加利福尼亚州的威尔逊山天文台上拍摄的Observatory, Calif., during the comet's last appearance. The head of

MRB的工程队仍保留在加利福尼亚州Fremont”。The engineering group will continue to be located in Fremont, Calif.

加利福利亚的重灾区北岭的许多房主就是这样做的。That's the option many homeowners took in hard-hit Northridge, Calif.

外面的世界著名的法国洗衣房的迹象,在扬特维尔,加利福尼亚州。The sign outside the world-famous French Laundry, in Yountville, Calif.

在美国,肉毒杆菌由眼力健公司销售。Botox is marketed in the United States by Allergan Inc. , of Irvine, Calif.

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位于加利福尼亚州桑尼维尔市的甲骨文公司表示,协议的条款目前对外保密。The terms of the pact are confidential, the Sunnyvale, Calif. company said.

加利福尼亚州,戴维斯——对于退休的兽医朗·瑞根来说,处理高速公路上被车撞死的动物是一个使命。DAVIS, Calif. — To Ron Ringen, a retired veterinarian, roadkill is a calling.

食谱由加利福尼亚州桂冠湾美食克里斯托弗格林沃尔德厨师提供Recipe from Chef Christopher Greenwald, Bay Laurel Culinary, Petaluma, Calif.