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“这是一种外科器械手术,”她说。“It is an invasive procedure,” she said.

在生态交错带边缘管理外来物种入侵。Manage invasive species at ecotone edges.

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“这是一种外科器械手术,”她说。“It is an invasive procedure, ” she said.

夏威夷的原生态因为外来物种的入侵已经变得体无完肤。Hawaii is ground zero for invasive species.

当然,并非所有的入侵物种都不好。Not all invasive species are bad, of course.

微创种植牙的概念?Concept of Minimally Invasive Dental Implant?

而自然腔道手术所造成的创面也更小。Even less invasive is "natural orifice" surgery.

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这其中包括扩散性的和不扩散性的病例。FYI, this includes both invasive and in situ cases

结果是导致我们称为“侵袭式乳癌”的疾病。The result is what we call invasive breast cancer.

那么,是什么亚型的浸润性小叶癌呢?Now, what type of invasive lobular carcinoma is it?

柯南特说入侵物种是一个世界性的问题。Conant said invasive species are a worldwide problem.

内监护。胎心率的内监护是侵入性的。C. Internal fetal monitoring of FHR is an invasive procedure.

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三叶鬼针草是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。Bidens pilosa is one of the noxious invasive weed in Asteraceae.

另一方面,欧洲人带来了大量的植物和动物。On the other hand, Europeans brought invasive plants and animals.

正如先前提到的,必须要使代码对已有系统影响最小。As mentioned earlier, you want your code to be minimally invasive.

结论非体外循环下冠脉搭桥术创伤小,并发症少。Conclusion OPCAB is safe and less invasive with less complications.

这种睡垫在户外用品店可以买到。Invasive sleeping pads are available at stores catering to campers.

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这种鱼是极其危险且具有凶猛攻击性的鱼类。The fish is the pinnacle in dangerous and effective invasive species.

小鼠腹腔接种法观察其侵袭力。Invasive ability was observed through mice celiac inoculation as well.

微创/腹腔镜手术的优点有The advantages of the minimally invasive or laparoscopic technique are