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这房间有一种宾至如归的舒适氛围。The room had a cozy, homelike atmosphere.

豫园给人的是一种家的感觉。Yuyuan Restaurant offers guests a homelike feeling.

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新母城为总部基地营造家一般的发展氛围。New Mother Town is expected to help ABP create a homelike atmosphere.

护理人员收养这些猫的目的,是为了让这个地方看起来更象个温馨的家。Our nursing facility had brought in the cats to make the place more homelike.

学校充满着问候声、平等的对话和其乐融融的和谐氛围。The school is full of greetings , equal communications and homelike atmosphere.

饭店位于城区教好的地段,是个舒适、宁静的庭院,服务质量有很好的口碑。With a fine location in the city, this hotel is a homelike and tranquil courtyard.

为您提供舒适、温馨、尊贵的居住享受空间。All of those create a comfortable, homelike and elegant accommodation space for you.

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我们的目标在于营造一处宾至如归的场所并为我们的客人提供最竭诚的服务!Our goal is to create a homelike environment and deliver exceptional service to our clients.

这家波斯餐馆由一对本地夫妇开设,家庭式的氛围很亲切、很讨好,这是许多餐馆所缺乏的。Owned by a local couple, this Persian restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere that many restaurants lack.

我们希望常留在这里,建一个像罗宾汉般的家,过着自由自在的日子,生活在理想的世界中。We wished we could stay here, building a homelike Robin Hood's, enjoying the carefree life, living in a dream word.

凯都,便捷的交通,齐全的商务功能,温馨的家园氛围,给予您的特别尊贵!Kaidu, Convenient transportation, Complete business function, Warm homelike atmosphere, And the extraordinary honor!

莱顿,便捷的交通,齐全的商务功能,温馨的家园氛围,给予您的特别尊贵!Leiden, Convenient transportation, Complete business function, Warm homelike atmosphere, And the extraordinary honor!

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即使远离故国,夏都也给安东尼奥先生带来家的温馨,家的舒适。Segura, who relish the comfort and homelike atmosphere of Le Chateau in a city thousands of miles away from his home in Spain.

世界一流的牙科技术,也可以成为艺术享受。In an elegant homelike environment, we bring you considerate service. Premium dental technology can also become an artistic enjoyment.

我认为是这样。真的像家一样的。今年春季才装修过。您看见菜单上哪种菜好吗?我不知道要哪种才好。I think so. Real homelike. It was redecorated this spring. Do you see anything on the menu that looks good. I don't know where to begin.

学校为每一位住宿生创造一个安全、卫生、舒适、文明的生活空间,让每一位就读我校的学子能享受家的温馨。The school has provided a safe sanitary comfortable civilized living space for every boarding student so that they can enjoy homelike warmth.

装饰新颖、高雅、温馨、舒适的中西式客房是您商务劳顿之余的安详地。The guest rooms decorated in Chinese and Western style are innovative, elegant, homelike and cosy. It is the best place to recover from tiring business activities.

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家的感觉是我们饭店追求的理念,我们每一位服务人员绝对以家人般的服务,让所有的客人能感受到家的温馨。Feeling of being home is the ideal we'd like to offer. Every member of our crew would offer you homelike service to let all our guests feel the warmth of sweet home.