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Susno是肃贪会窃听的目标。Susno was the target of a KPK wiretap.

代理人的陈述不能后盾窃听录音,他说。The agent's statements are not backed up by wiretap recordings, he said.

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但她不知道监听器的事——或者说,他们现在已经知道她的计划的线索。But she didn't know about the wiretap — or that they now had a clue as to what her plans were.

据称,经理肯·斯塔尔在一起法律纠纷中,让佩里加诺窃听前客户史泰龙。Manager Ken Starr allegedly had Pellicano wiretap former client Sly Stallone during a legal dispute.

电话被停止接收功能,但仍可以打出去,为了窃听和跟踪定位需要吧。Telephone reception has been stopped, but I can still make outgoing calls, as they need to wiretap and follow my position.

侦探对此事忧心忡忡,并说服联邦法官允许监听Dale的电话。That incident had so unnerved the detective that he'd convinced a commonwealth magistrate to allow a wiretap on Dale's phone.

印度去年曾威胁说要关闭黑莓的加密电邮和即时通讯服务,理由是无法监控这些内容。Last year, India threatened to shut down BlackBerry encrypted email and instant messaging services because it couldn't wiretap them.

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我有权监听任何人,你、你的会计、联邦法官、甚至总统,只要给我一个电子邮件帐号。I had an authority to wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant to a federal judge or even the President, if I had a personal email.

他认为够限制政府窃听总比什么也不做要好,尽管他希望这样的限制能更进一步。Putting some restrictions on the government's ability to wiretap is better than nothing, even though he would rather have gone further.

根据联邦政府犯罪起诉书,线人2008年1月让政府窃听了她与拉贾拉特南的谈话。The informant let the government wiretap her conversations with Mr. Rajaratnam in January 2008, according to the federal criminal complaint.

然而,随着联邦调查局介入,以调查可能的无线设备滥用行为,现在轮到这所学校接受人们的全面监督了。But with reports of the FBI opening an investigation into possible wiretap violations, it is now the school district who has to worry about scrutiny.

记者身份伪装,渗透主题的商业和家庭,甚至错误窃听他们得到新闻以任何手段是必要的。Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject's business and family, or even bug and wiretap them——to get the news by whatever means are necessary.

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据上周四公布的一份美国政府审计报告,美国联邦调查局由于未及时缴纳电话费,其国际窃听线路被电信公司切断。A telephone company cut off an FBI international wiretap after the agency failed to pay its bill on time, according to a US government audit released on Thursday.

三十五年前,尼克松总统就宣称为了国家的安全,不用经过法官的批准而窃听美国公民的电话是宪法赋予他的权力。Thirty-five years ago, President Richard Nixon claimed constitutional authority to wiretap Americans' phone calls to protect national security without asking a judge.

该特别法案要求通讯公司为系统增加后门或其他方式,能够对监控会话提供捕捉和干扰。The mandate would likely require companies to add backdoors or other changes to the systems that would allow a wiretap to capture an unscrambled version of a conversation.

奇怪的是,“在宪法第一修正案的保护下”,在爱国者法案中有同样的话,此法案是政府窃听或调查持不同信仰或政见的人民所依据的法案。Oddly, that's exactly the same language in the Patriot Act used to test whether the government can wiretap or investigate a person based on their political beliefs or statements.

如今,只有酒店的牌匾昭示其盛衰无常的历史,而一个令人惊奇的事件也被发现,克格勃撤离后,芬兰人从墙里拉出来长达40公里的窃听电缆。Today, it bears a plaque testifying to its checkered past, and also noting the curious fact that the Finns pulled 40 kilometers of wiretap cable out of the walls after the KGB left.

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2010年5月,科罗姆总统选任了一名新的总检察长,据CICIG称,该人立马解除了那些正直检察官的职务,夺取了密探窃听行动的控制权,并搁置了那些敏感案件。In May, 2010, President Colom chose a new Attorney General, who, according to CICIG, promptly fired honest prosecutors, seized control over agents’ wiretap operations, and shelved sensitive cases.

但还有一个更严重的难题,这种安排可能造成巨大的安全问题,任何人只要有办法渗透ISP的窃听功能,就可以随心所欲监听其中的用户。A more serious difficulty is the massive security problem that such an arrangement would present. Anyone who could penetrate an ISP's wiretap function would be able to spy on its subscribers at will.