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当前的美国经济是一个困局。The U.S. economy is a conundrum.

这确实是中国心头的一个大难题.That is truly the heart of China's conundrum.

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法国就已经为了这个难题苦恼多年。France has grappled with this conundrum for years.

而这才是意识之谜的实质所在。That, in essence, is the conundrum of consciousness.

另一个理论难题是进入拍卖。Another theoretical conundrum is entry to the auction.

欧洲好像是一个负担,一个谜题——除了对策外的任何事。A burden, it seems, a conundrum — anything but an idea.

从路易斯·阿马拉尔在葡萄牙还是个孩子时,这个问题就困扰了他很久。This conundrum plagued Luis Amaral as a kid in Portugal.

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我说的是迷题出版社的人表示有兴趣。What I said was that there was some interest at Conundrum.

一座特大王室废墟遭到摧毁,都是第一的双胞胎。A king-size conundrum ruins ruined, twins who are both first.

这在搏弈理论中被称做囚徒的困境。It is a conundrum in game theory known as a prisoner's dilemma.

这会给外国人造成中国“难解之谜”的印象。This will give foreigners cause China's "conundrum" impression.

这又回到了北京教育局的难题。Which brings us back to Beijing’s education bureau’s conundrum.

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很多既有孩子也有工作的妇女面临顾此失彼的困境。Many women with children and jobs face the conundrum of neglecting one or the other.

还有我们要解决腐败难题,腐败是反国家的行为。We'd still need to solve the conundrum of corruption though. Its just anti-national.

再变幻莫测得生活何历史之钟,犹壹样东西叫做悔之晚矣。In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late.

至少可以说,长期以来,人类的诞生对古人类学家来说一直是一道谜。The birth of our genus has long been a conundrum for paleoanthropologists, to say the least.

多色泽、中等价位的iMac的成功还在于它解决了计算机兼容性的难题。The colorful mid-priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum.

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尽管他们承认这个问题,联合国禁毒官员赞同美国人的观点。United Nations drug officials agree with the Americans, though they acknowledge the conundrum.

鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡争论的也适用于黑洞与星系的关系,这对天体物理学家们可是一个亘古不变的谜题。Which came first, black holes or galaxies? It’s been a bit of a conundrum for astrophysicists.

他并非是在政府的授意下著作,这就是为什么他给今天他的国家摆出了一道难题。He wrote without state patronage and this is why he poses such a conundrum to his country today.