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我无可奉告。No comment.

踊跃发言吧。Comment it up.

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请留下评论。Please comment.

你对此有何评论?How do you comment?

不要过分注释。Do not over comment.

这是一个恰当的评论。It was an apt comment.

他谢绝对此事评论。He declined to comment.

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亚洲浆纸拒绝置评。APP declined to comment.

请问中方对此有何评论?Do you have any comment?

HBK拒绝对此置评。HBK declined to comment.

中方对此有何评论?Do you have any comment?

广发证券对此拒绝评论。Guangfa declines comment.

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这是我最后的意见。This is my final comment.

请问中方对此有何评论?What comment do you have?

你是垃圾评论员。You are comment spammers.

我欣赏你的意见。I appreciate your comment.

里冈拒绝做任何评论。Rigon declined to comment.

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道达尔拒绝置评。Total declined to comment.

“无可奉告”就是一条奉告。“No comment” is a comment.

请问中方对此有何评论?How do you comment on this?