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他装假在找东西。He pretended for something.

那青年觊觎王位。He pretended to the throne.

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他们佯拆没有看见人们。They pretended not to see us.

一开始我假意推三阻四。At first I pretended to refuse.

我假装仍是睡着了。I pretended to still be asleep.

他假装搔耳朵。He pretended to scratch his ear.

他装扮成一个卖灯的人。He pretended to be a lamp seller.

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她假装没理会。She pretended not to take notice.

他佯称有病以为借口。He pretended illness as an excuse.

他佯装不知实情。He pretended not to know the facts.

她佯称有病以为借口。She pretended illness as an excuse.

他们假装听错了我的话。They pretended to misunderstand me.

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他假装正在吃饺子。He pretended to be eating dumplings.

我假装这些伤口不存在。I pretended the wounds didn’t exist.

那青年觊觎王位。The young man pretended to the throne.

1972年,一个骗子,想冒充自己是运动员。In 1972, a hoaxer, pretended to be an athlete.

我强装笑脸,又同他开起玩笑来。I pretended to smile and tried to kid with him.

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我假装拭去一只眼睛里的沙粒。I pretended to rub a fleck of grit from one eye.

她对于美术音乐的假兴趣使我好笑。Her pretended interest in art and music amuses me.

忍受其打击,发现你只是在假装。And outliving the impact, to find you've pretended.