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某饱学的学者以其深奥的思想著称。An erudite scholar was noted for his recondite thoughts.

就算最博学的母语使用者也不可能知道每个字的意思。Even the most erudite native speaker does not know the meaning of every word.

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他们将是一个很难啃的骨头,即使大脑中最博学的人。They will be a hard nut to crack for even the brains of the most erudite people.

没有正确的方法,即使有视觉的博学之士也会像瞎子一样摸索。Without right methods , even a seeing erudite might feel his way as blind man does.

这顶新的职业帽保证将为博学者的头保暖并避免暴露其外。This new Coercer hat promises to keep Erudite heads warm and free from unwanted exposure.

datum'和'subfocal'的使用甚至可以最平淡的词语变得富有学问。Using words like 'datum' and 'subfocal' can make even the most mundane words sound erudite.

不管你是青少年还是个八旬老人,你都可以持续你的聪明、机敏和博学。You can maintain a clever, astute and erudite persona whether you're adolescent or octogenarian.

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即使最优秀的结业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地研究。Even though the worst graduate usually commands to continuously learn, if he likes to be erudite.

这也有利于你发自内心地努力奋进获得更多学识变得更博学。There’s also the intrinsic pleasure you get from boosting your knowledge and becoming more erudite.

查理的词汇表比起贝拉的缺少一点正式和内涵。他是一个随性坦率的人。Charlie's vocabulary is a little bit less formal and erudite than Bella's. He's a more plain-spoken person.

卡莉从小就受母亲影响,从母亲那里学到了坚强、博学和热爱生活,并受益一生。Carly was affected by her mother, learned from her mother strong, erudite and love life, and benefit from life.

茶党或许会在哈耶克的观点中找到类似的精神——事实上,那些博学的茶党成员也经常提及哈耶克。The Tea Party would have found a kindred spirit in Hayek -- and indeed, its more erudite members refer to him often.

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沙拉比是一位黎巴嫩人,他聪明过人,学识渊博,激情投身于巴勒斯坦的事业中。The professor was Hisham Sharabi, a brilliant, erudite Lebanese who was passionately committed to the Palestinian cause.

他博学多才,善计谋通兵法指挥了历史上著名的“赤壁之战”等战役。He was erudite and good at schemes and art of war. He used to command such famous battles in history as the "Battle of Chibi".

学识渊博的牛津大学当代史教授罗伯特•吉尔达这次选择了一张宽大的“画布”,还有一个绝佳的选题。ROBERT GILDEA, Oxford University's fearsomely erudite professor of modern history, has chosen a large canvas—and a wonderful title.

藉此巡礼黄教授丰富而精彩的一生,并探究其博大平易的音乐教育思想。So as to go on a pilgrimage to Professor Hwang s plentiful and applausive life, and explore his erudite and amiable music educational ideals.

李开复博士同时以精心制作的PPT文件和渊博的学识向学生们展示了一个真正的IT界巨子的人格魅力。Dr. Li Kaifu showed a real IT circle giant's personality glamour to students with his skillful PPT files and erudite knowledge at the same time. Dr.

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彼时上述那名就该离奇个体向我征询专业意见的天主教教士可是全美利坚合众国最富有经验的驱魔人,而且他非常博学与理智。The priest who had asked for my opinion of this bizarre case was the most experienced exorcist in the country at the time, an erudite and sensible man.

法师13岁那年出家,他也是一位博学多闻的学者,在日本得到博士学位,也在全球各地设立了许多学院。He was born in 1930, and became a monk when he was just 13. An erudite scholar, he obtained a doctorate degree in Japan, and set up academies all over the world.

究竟是否真的有这样一位诗人,是他创作的,还是他只不过把这些史诗记下来然后加以修饰,诸如此类的问题是博学之士最喜欢争论的。Whether there really was such a poet, whether he composed or only wrote down and polished these epics and so forth, is a favourite quarrelling-ground for the erudite.