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我随兴但也实际。I am easygoing but pragmatic.

这就是我对于“实效权威”的看法。This is my idea of pragmatic authority.

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各方的发言是冷静的,也是务实的。The speeches have been sober and pragmatic.

讨论的焦点是实际经验。Our focus was pragmatic and experience-based.

“从”字结构的语用分析。Fourth, "from" pragmatic analysis of structure.

多年的务实探索,开拓求精。Years of pragmatic explorations and refinement.

各方的发言是冷静和务实的。Their speeches have been both sober and pragmatic.

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务虚与务实是一个事物的两个方面。Retreat and pragmatic is a thing of the two aspects.

新的多边体系也必须具有务实性。This New Multilateral Network needs to be pragmatic.

这就是我们需要测试的一个实用方法的原因。This is why we need a pragmatic approach to testing.

现在将是一个务实定价的时期。This will be an era of pragmatic pricing, ' he said.

我认为他很有美国中西部人豪爽的气质,注重实效且慷慨大方。I see him as very Midwestern, pragmatic yet generous.

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实用主义的教训关乎宗教的战争。The pragmatic lesson concerns those wars of religion.

他以对复杂案件的按事论事的处理手法闻名。He was noted for his pragmatic handling of complex cases.

总得来说,我所访问的中国学生都很重视实效。In general, the Chinese students I visited are pragmatic.

她是实事求是的人,但仍然兼具幽默感与怪诞意识。She is pragmatic but she still has a kooky sense of humour.

务实的小两口原本打算是去租一套礼服的。The pragmatic bride-to-be initially planned to rent a gown.

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Terry的风格通常是直接、易于接受且注重实效的。Terry's style is always direct, approachable, and pragmatic.

这将是工作的务实的布尔制裁。This is to be the work of the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges.

我认为你需要对互操作性有非常务实的态度。I think you need to have a very pragmatic approach to interop.