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污秽的毛团。Filthy hairball.

你的脚很脏。Your feet are filthy.

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你这个肮脏的泥巴种!You filthy little mudblood!

我厌恶一切肮脏的东西。I disrelish filthy of any kind.

我们都是比灰尘还要渺小的东西。We are filthy rags, lower than dirt.

让那个污秽的诅咒离我远点!Get that filthy curser away from me !

我从未抽过烟---抽烟是个坏习惯。I've never smoked – it's filthy habit.

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少废话,你个满嘴跑调的学术骗子!Shut up! You filthy academic swindler!

我所有的正义都像肮脏的破布。All my righteousness is like filthy rags.

一大堆污言秽语从他嘴里吐出来。A shower of filthy abuse came from his lips.

真他妈肮脏的行为,烂人一个。What a filthy behavior! Fucking person it is.

他的长头发和脏衣服使她感到厌恶。His long hair and filthy clothes repelled her.

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我不愿意碰你的那些臭钱。I don't want to touch any of your filthy lucre.

一些城镇里街道特别脏。In some cities and towns the streets are filthy.

一些城镇里街道特别脏。It some cities and towns the streets are filthy.

我在这儿可是有灰常灰常倒霉的时候。I've had some filthy, filthy times in this state.

在泥地里踢完球,我们浑身脏得要命。We were filthy after playing football in the mud.

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“不如你的罪行肮脏,”莫勒修女说。"Not so filthy as your sins, " said Septa Moelle.

但alief则尖叫着,“肮脏的东西!But the alief is stupid, screaming, "Filthy object!

现在我的衬衣闻起来都有股鱼腥味,袜子也脏死了。My shirt smells fishy and I’m wearing filthy socks.