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雅各一下子就愣在那儿了。Jacob froze.

灰熊僵住了。The bear froze.

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小孩的母亲立马僵住了。The mother froze.

许多人被冻死了。Many froze to death.

安德妮娅的血液凝固了。Andrea's blood froze.

笑容不自然地僵在她脸上。The smile froze on her face.

突然,气氛一下子僵住了。Suddenly, the atmosphere froze.

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一月份此湖被冻住。The lake froze over in January.

寒冷的天气使湖水结冰了。The cold weather froze the lake.

艳阳高照,我却冻的快要死去。The sun so hot I froze to death.

烈日当空,我心却冰冷。The sun so hot, I froze to death.

今冬柑橘冻坏了。The orange crop froze this winter.

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我紧抓着窗沿,整个人僵在那里。My grip froze me to the windowsill.

天太冷了,一切都给冻住了。It was so cold that everything froze.

因此Ramesh暂停了关于Bt茄子的行动。So Ramesh froze action on Bt brinjal.

熊也定住了,整个森林寂静了下来。The bear froze. The forest was silent.

她嗓子发紧,不能呼吸。Her throat closed and her breath froze.

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有一次,他们的水管冻裂了。Once their water pipes froze and burst.

昨夜碗里的水冻冰了。The water in the bowl froze last night.

第三天冻得要命,将鸟爪冻在了树梢。It froze the birds' claws to the threes.