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金黄色的酒液,还有精致的小气泡。Golden, with a very fine cordon of bubbles.

在警方封锁线外聚集了不少围观群众。In the police cordon the crowd gathered outside a lot.

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你会怎样总结你在日本蓝带国际学院的学习经历?How would you sum up your experience at Le Cordon Bleu Japan?

警察在他汽车周围设置了防卫圈以保护他。Police officers threw a cordon around his car to protect him.

把行将被政府强拆的房子用警用安宁警示带扯一圈。Set up a security cordon around which will be destroyed by the gov.

我们必须授权一个泛太平洋警戒线,直到中国自爆。We must empower a Pacific Rim cordon until China'sbulwark implodes.

通知警视厅,我要他们封锁周边5个街区。Notify metro police. I want them to cordon off a five block perimeter.

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冲破了巡捕,骑巡,装甲汽车,密密层层的警戒网!To have broken through a cordon of policemen and mounted patrols and armoured cars!

同时,他还在巴黎著名的考敦·布鲁学校学习过烹饪。Alongside this there was his cooking study at the famed Cordon Bleu School in Paris.

苏格兰场说使用警戒线是因为一直有投掷物扔向警察。Scotland Yard said a cordon was used because missiles were being thrown at officers.

我应该知道这一点,因为我们之后好一阵子都在吃剩下的鸡排。I should know because we were eating leftover chicken cordon bleu for some time afterward.

大批武警头戴钢盔手拿防护盾和警棍守卫在人民广场。A tight cordon of riot police, who wore helmets and wielded shields and clubs, surrounded People's Square.

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蓝带马爹利干邑酒味香醇,色调丰厚,是全球最受欢迎的高级干邑葡萄酒佳酿之一。Martell Cordon Bleu cognac alcohol mellow, rich tone, is the world's most popular wine of the High cognac wine.

专为独具慧眼的鉴赏家而设的蓝带马爹利,适合直接加冰块享用。Specifically designed for the discerning connoisseur of Martell Cordon Bleu, suitable for direct access to ice.

茫然震惊的人旅客从地铁口涌出,警方忙着设立警戒线。Dazed and shocked morning travelers streamed from the metro entrances as police tried to set up a security cordon.

尽管拥有顶级厨师随时待命,但他经常会溜出白宫去买汉堡。He regularly slips out of the White House to buy a burger, despite having a cordon bleu chef at his beck and call.

管理总局的工作组围绕疫病爆发的地点开展了“环形”疫苗接种,以便阻止并隔离疫病。GDPC teams conducted "ring" vaccination campaigns around outbreak sites in order to cordon off and isolate the disease.

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法国核安全管理局表示,目前已经在马尔库尔核电站周围建立了安全警戒线作为预防措施。The French French Nuclear Safety Authority said a security cordon was set up around the Marcoule plant as a precaution.

在他的助手们的掩护下,费力克斯冲破了3米高的警戒线,纵身从观光平台上跳下。Under the cover of his assistants, Baumgartner broke through the 3-meter-high cordon and jumped down from the platform.

炸猪排夹配火腿芝士馅,配欧芹土豆和酸梅酱,配小份沙拉。"Cordon bleu"-with ham and cheese stuffed escalope of pork, served with parsley potatoes, cranberries and a small salad.