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妇女穿的宽松的晨衣。A loose dressing gown or negligee.

噢,玛丽,你穿着这件小睡衣简直太迷人了!Oh, Mary, you look ravishing in that skimpy negligee !

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拖地的淡紫色的长睡衣,与她那耀眼的红头发很不协调。A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair.

萝莉塔梦想中的睡衣应该是有传统浪漫的风格的家居服。The nightwear that Lolitas dream of has to be the romantic traditional "negligee".

公主裙一般的美丽家居服肯定能带给你甜蜜的梦境!A beautiful negligee that resembles a princess' dress is sure to give you sweet dreams!

我去你睡觉时,你就上了新的睡衣,因为价格是它依然。I went to sleep on you when you had on that new negligee because the price tag was still on it.

扔掉法兰绒长袍,换上一件性感轻薄的家居睡衣,让你的丈夫渴望亲近你、抚摸你。Throw out the flannel gowns and wear a sexy, silky negligee that will make your husband want to touch you.

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将你最漂亮的便服用精致的包装纸包好,附上便条承诺一个浪漫的夜晚。Wrap up your prettiest negligee in a fancy package, complete with a note that promises a romantic evening.

Dior展示了优雅的长睡衣和高腰法式灯笼裤,令人回想起1950年代的电影明星。Dior showed sleek negligee dresses and high-waisted French knickers, evoking the boudoirs of 1950s film stars.

她躺在那里,等着他过去,穿着新婚夜穿过的睡裙,相信丈夫会像往日一样过来和她温存,好像这会是他们的一个新开始。She lay there, waiting for him, wearing the negligee from their wedding night, believing that he would come to her as he had always come to her, as if this were some sort of a fresh start.