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黄昏时你能看到那颗星星。You can see the star at nightfall.

今日他将在夜暗之前死去。Today he will die before nightfall.

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我军一定要在傍晚之前成功渡桥。We must cross the bridge before nightfall.

战壕中的他将在夜暗前死去。In the trench he will die before nightfall.

每到黄昏时分,钟鸣一百零八响。At nightfall the bells would toll 108 times.

当夜幕降临是,他离目的地还有好几英里呢。Nightfall found him many miles short of his destination.

黄昏之际,一条海豚吞食了他重新放上鱼饵的小钩子。Closeto nightfall a dolphin took the small hook he had rebaited.

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对于母狮子来说,夜晚来临也就意味着它们该出去捕食了。For the female lions , nightfall means it ' s time to hunt food.

黄昏之际,一条海豚吞食了他重新放上鱼饵的小钩子。Close to nightfall a dolphin took the small hook he had rebaited.

确保你是在黄昏时分,去捕捉娥眉月,因为黄昏时,它就会落下了。Be sure to catch the moon at dusk, because it sets around nightfall.

在周日天黑之前,他们已经向的黎波里前进了超过32公里。By nightfall on Sunday, they had advanced more than 32km to Tripoli.

当夜幕降临时,他离他预定的布道的地点还有很多英里。Nightfall found him many miles short of his appointed preaching place.

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黄昏时分,他感到饥饿,于是还是婴孩的海尔墨斯离开了他的摇篮去找食物吃。Feeling hungry, the infant left his cradle after nightfall to hunt for food.

一天经过�晓,上午,正午,下午,傍晚和午夜。?。A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, nightfall and night-time.

这轮新月低隐于西南方天空中,再黄昏后一小时左右落下。The moon lurks low in your southwest sky, and sets about one hour after nightfall.

这个排必须急行军以在天黑前赶回基地。The platoon will have to march in double time to get back to base before nightfall.

在中北纬地区,心大星再每年这个时候的黄昏后马上落下。At mid-northern latitudes, Antares sets shortly after nightfall at this time of year.

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在天黑之前把宝藏归回原位,否则这个文明的社会就会被毁灭了。Return the relics by nightfall Raya Singh, or else all civilization would be destroyed!

有些人早上感觉还不错,到中午病倒,傍晚就死了。Some people who felt well in the morning became sick by noon and were dead by nightfall.

第五天的黄昏,斯努皮抵达了倒数第二站芝加哥。At nightfall of her fifth day on the road, Snoopy was in Chicago, her next- to-last stop.