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这能以高价出卖。It can sell high.

或者尝试兜售他们?Try to sell them?

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你有没有卖水?Do you sell water?

我出的书将会有销路的My book will sell.

代售方或代租方。Free sell for rent.

出售二手房。Sell a second home.

但我永远也不会卖。But I'll never sell.

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你卖糖果吗?Do you sell sweets ?

我现在不卖了。I vill not sell now.

卖了母牛吃不成奶。If you sell the cow!

人们总会买进卖出,一直如此。People buy and sell.

也就是去卖卖面包。To sell these bread.

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猪装在口袋里卖。Sell a pig in a poke.

那么何不出售人生?Then why not sell it?

他们卖新鲜肉。They sell fresh meat.

你有卖青葱吗?Do you sell scallions?

你们有卖花草茶吗。Do you sell herbal tea?

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我有一只猪要卖。I have one pig to sell.

商人买进卖出。Merchants buy and sell.

或者垄断经营Or you sell monopolies.