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在制品的压缩因子与浸灰碱条件有相关性和规律性。Kc of limed skin was related with treating conditions.

我可以借你的讲义吗?可以给他吗?Hey, KC. KC, can I borrow your handout? Can he have it?

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雷达引导结束,恢复自己领航直飞KC。Radar vectoring is terminated, resume own navigation direct to KC.

温格不愿意在周六这场延迟开球的比赛中冒任何风险。Wenger will not take any risks at the KC Stadium in Saturday's late kick-off.

德克萨斯州本周调低了2011年冬小麦优良率也对堪萨斯交易所小麦期价给予支撑。Fact Texas reduced their weekly rating of their 2011 winter wheat crop also supports KC prices.

公司还提供办公室育儿和临时工作分担福利,让员工的育儿负担能有所减轻。The company also offers onsite child-care and job sharing, making parenting a bit easier for KC workers.

KC营养液最适合白雪公主的生长,各项生长指标都这到最佳。The best effect on promoting White Rajah growth and development was KC nutrition with the optimum indexes.

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同时利用模拟的气象资料结合谷子和茵陈蒿全生育期的作物系数,计算了榆林地区1991-2010年谷子和茵陈蒿的耗水量。Meantime we use LARS-WG and KC to estimate water consumption of millet and Artemisia capillaris Thunb from 1991 to 2010.

为进一步建立玛绢金龟序贯抽样方法提供了基础数据。The estimate of kc was 0 6529. This study provided basic data for establishing a sequential sampling plan for Maladera sp.

在公司的KC咖啡馆,员工们可以跟公司的管理和运营部门同事们畅聊自己工作中的忧虑、关注点和职业建议。At the "KC Café, " employees can chat with administrative and operational employees about worries, cares, and career advice.

英冠球会胡尔的主席保罗。达芬希望能留住从曼联租借而来的前锋坎贝尔在KC球场至英冠赛季结束后。Hull chairman Paul Duffen is hopeful of keeping loan star Fraizer Campbell at the KC Stadium for the remainder of the season.

利用数值方法研究了KC数、泥沙粒径和模型比尺对圆柱周围的泥沙冲刷情况的影响。The influence of KC number, sediment grain size, and scale affect on process of scour are examinated numerically in this thesis.

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和萨格勒布之间没有直飞”另一个守卫说,一边笑着。“他人不错,从来没和他有过什么问题。”他补充道。"No nonstops between KC and Zagreb, " said the other guard, grinning. "He was an okay dude, never had a problem with him, " he added.

意大利门将上赛季后半段租借至KC球场并且有着不错的表现,不过之后他因伤缺阵了两个月之久。The Italian goalkeeper spent the second half of last season at the KC Stadium and excelled either side of a two-month lay-off through injury.

罗宾逊在KC球场换下了八宝,在场上踢的是中场位置。但他的最佳位置是一名攻击型后卫。Robinson featured on the left side of midfield after replacing Ryan Babel at the KC Stadium, but his natural position is as an attacking full-back.

但与空气对比,亚半球装药侵彻深度受约束影响较大,K装药则变化较小,比较稳定。But comparing with the results obtained in the air, the penetration depth of HLC is effected by constraints, while the KC changes present more stability.

在周一与女皇园林巡游者队的英冠联赛中,他打入了一粒进球,并帮助球队最终1-1逼平对手,现在有传闻称赫尔城希望永久签下这位选手。He scored his first goal for the Tigers in Monday's 1-1 draw at leaders Queens Park Rangers and has been tipped to make a permanent move to the KC Stadium.

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本课题的研究目标旨在得到一种能快速、精确地计算脊波导中主模及各高次模kc的有效方法,并编制相应的程序。The goal of this paper is to obtain a method that can compute the KC parameter of each higher mode rapidly and precisely, and then write corresponding programs.

在太空电梯竞赛中,由KC空间机器人公司设计的机器人正沿着直升机上垂下的一根览绳向上爬升。A robot designed by KC Space Robots climbs a cable extended from a helicopter during the Space Elevator Games at NASA Dryden Flight Research Centre in California.

自1995年以来,博拉和桑查在尼泊尔一所医院工作,致力于用捐赠的角膜帮助盲人重见光明。Since 1995 Bhola KC and Sankha Narayan Twayan have worked at the Eye Bank in Tilganga hospital, running a program for eye donation that returns sight to the blind.