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现在是甜思思香港甜品时间。It's dessert time at Tia Si Si Hong Kong Delicious.

我为蒂娅感到无比自豪,她一定会是个很棒的母亲。I'm incredibly proud of Tia. She'll be a brilliant mum.

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格雷格在表演期间为提亚·考勒斯扑粉。Greg King powders up Tia Coles during their performance Saturday.

在寻找线索过程中,一个叫蒂亚的女子告诉林肯去找一个叫埃里卡的女子。Searching for answers, a woman named Tia shows Lincoln who Erica is.

呃,同好奇。那蒂亚·卡雷尔应该算菲律宾人还是中国人?Yeap, I was wondering the same. Isn't Tia Carrera Filipina and not Chinese?

结论超敏C反应蛋白可以作为评价TIA临床转归的指标。Conclusion Hs-CRP can be used as a indicator of clinical outcome evaluation of TIA.

在对亚组的分析中,TIA患者和中风患者的相对危险度却是相似的。In subgroup analyses, the relative risks were similar in magnitude for stroke and TIA.

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李女士还是考虑她的生意是专门做肉馅卷饼还是做蛋糕。Ms. Lee is still deciding whether her business, La Tía Faby, will focus on empanadas or cake pops.

也不愿意做一个学者或教授。”所以我取得了教育学学位,现在在TIA。than be an academic or a professor." And so I did my degree in education and now here I am at TIA.

但是每次小中风出现都会增加中风的风险,如果不进行防治的话就很容易变成中风。But each TIA increases the risk of stroke and warns that one could occur if nothing is done to prevent it.

Gracie出生一周后,Tia与亲朋好友一起在病房中庆祝了她15岁的生日。A week after Gracie was born Tia celebrated her 15th birthday in the ward surrounded by friends and family.

提亚9岁了,它是只活泼可爱的小狗,当它再次摆出正在玩耍的姿态时,摄影师连忙捕捉到了这个镜头,这张照片被用来作为新发行的皇室邮票的图片。Tia the nine-year-old terrier reenacts her playful pose captured by a photographer for the new Royal Mail stamps.

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这样,百利甜将浮在添万利之上,直到喝醉之后才会忘记要混合饮用。This way the Baileys will float on top of the Tia Maria. A perfect Dana DOESNT mix the drinks until they are drank.

分层波士绿薄荷力娇酒,添万利和百利甜,这样就能调制出一款美味的鸡尾酒。Layered Bols Peppermint Green, Tia Maria and Baileys Irish Cream to make the perfect after dinner shooter. Delicious!

如果能加快TIA患者接受评估的速度,英国每年有很多卒中事件都是可以预防的。If the speed with which TIA patients can be evaluated is improved many strokes in the UK each year could be prevented.

目的探讨60岁以上老年人短暂性脑缺血发作患者凝血纤溶系统的功能状态。Objective To investigate the function and status of coagulation and fibrinolysis system of TIA patients over 60 years.

虽然Shem自己还有一个儿子,但是他表示他会积极帮助Tia和Jordan适应新的生活。Grandad Shem, who has a young son of his own, said he is keen to get stuck in and help Tia and Jordan settle into life.

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所有跟空怀泰佛寺以及阿占爹的视频都会在该频道播出。Youtube channel of Archan Tia has been specially created to broadcast all the videos which related to Wat Sungai Siput.

结论老年组TIA患者体内凝血纤溶系统比较活跃且持续时间较长。Conclusion The coagulation and fibrinolysis system in senile TIA patients is relatively active, and it lasts a long time.

在我国城市中,北京市是中国大陆率先通过行政规章明确要求具有一定规模的建设项目必须开展交通影响分析的城市。Beijing is the first city that be required to do TIA for some scale project by governmental regulations in Chinese Mainland.