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莱科宁将会面对小皮奎特。Raikkonen will race against Piquet Jr.

你觉得这对少爷的将来会有怎样的影响?Q. What is your reaction to the future of compatriot Nelson Piquet?

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皮奎特说,谁在2009年至今已参加了每场比赛中,他儿子。Said Piquet , who so far in 2009 has attended every race with his son.

第二个例子是,目前无法提供他的队友尼尔森皮奎特。A second example is currently not available for his teammate Nelson Piquet.

在马尼库尔赛道得到第一个积分的小纳尔逊-皮奎为雷诺车队测试。After scoring his first points at Magny-Cours, Nelson Piquet was back in action for Renault.

在最先引起你的眼睛是令人难以置信的珍珠母处理与皮奎特。The first thing that catches your eye is the incredible mother of pearl handles with piquet.

这就是根本问题,就是我们甚至无法向皮盖发起进攻的原因所在。So that was really the main problem. That is the reason why, in that condition, we were not even able to attack Piquet.

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考虑到他在小皮很前面的地方开始比赛,又在他身后结束比赛,雷诺的主场战役对他可不够好。Considering he started a long way in front of Nelson Piquet Junior to finish behind him at Renault's home race is not good.

海基-科瓦莱宁明年将开始为雷诺车队征战赛场,里卡多-宗塔和小纳尔逊-皮奎特则是成为了车队的测试车手。Heikki Kovalainen will race for Renault next year, with Ricardo Zonta and Nelson Piquet Jr joining the team as test drivers.

1938年迪奥作为设计师受雇于一家由罗伯特·皮戈纳经营的时装店,开始了他向时装界明星地位飞跃的第一次真正尝试。In 1938 Dior took his first real leap toward fashion stardom when he was hired as a designer at a fashion house run by Robert Piquet.

也许威廉姆斯本可以放弃皮奎特或曼赛尔中的一人,而让中岛悟充当第二车手。Williams could perhaps have averted the situation by dropping either Piquet or Mansell and putting Satoru Nakajima in the second car.

二战期间迪奥暂在军队里服役。1941年,当他回到巴黎时却发现他在皮戈纳时装店里的职位已被他人代替。Called briefly into service during World War II, Dior would return to Paris in 1941 only to find his post with Piquet filled by someone else.

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经过去年一个旨在培养赛车风格的赛季后,关于皮奎特不会刹车的批评从第一站——澳大利亚站来就不经于耳。After a character-building first season last year, critics were quick to jump again as brake failure removed Piquet from the opening race of the season in Australia.

它的意思就是匈牙利站是皮奎特的最后一次机会,官方要求他能在排位赛进入前十,并且在正赛中获得积分。Speculation suggests Piquet has been told Hungary is his last chance, and the official document quoted him as targeting a top-ten grid position and points in the race.

日前国际汽联对雷诺车队的“撞车门”事件展开调查。据传在2008年的新加坡站尼尔森·皮奎特接到指令故意撞毁赛车。The FIA's investigation into Renault runs even deeper than the sensational claims that Nelson Piquet was told to crash on purpose during the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix.

哨兵机器人可以检测出任何形式的变种类型,而他们的基因则能够让他们瞬间变换和改造自身,从而击败X战警。Piquet robot can detect the varietal kind that gives any forms, and their gene can let they alternate for an instant and transform oneself, beat X battle thereby alarm.

琼斯尝试着超越普罗斯特,但他的轮胎开始退化,随后便被跑开了,最后一圈他被皮奎特超越,将第二位拱手相让。Jones tried to pass Prost on several occasions but then his tires became marginal and he dropped away. In the closing laps he fell into the clutches of Piquet and lost second place.

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近来几天,媒体一直在猜测这则指控的源头是来自皮盖和他的名人父亲,他们对于最近被雷诺老板布里亚托利开除仍然很愤怒。It had been presumed in recent days that the source of the accusation must have been Piquet and his famous father, still furious after being recently ousted by Renault boss Briatore.