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他说,他的名字被索尔贝趺。He said his name was Saul of Tarsus.

他现在留在他的家乡大数,我要去那里,把他带到这里来。He is back home in Tarsus. I will go and get him.

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是塔尔苏斯的保罗编辑了新圣约吗?Did Paul of Tarsus put the new testament together?

她踝关节的踝骨形状像我们祖先的。The tarsus bone in her ankle is shaped like our ancestors.

髋关节,转子,股骨,髌骨,胫骨,蹠骨和跗关节。Coxa, trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus.

塔尔苏斯的保罗属于什么哲学学派或者神秘组织吗?Did Paul of Tarsus belong to any philosophical school or mystical group?

塔尔索的扫禄曾一度从人手中得到权柄去迫害基督徒,并以为这是承行主旨。Saul of Tarsus had thought he was obeying God by persecuting the early Christians.

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它们的脚长到踝骨处,这也是它们得名的原因。Their feet have extremely elongated tarsus bones, which is how they got their name.

生在大数,犹大国外犹太社区,在希腊基利家的罗马殖民地。Born in Tarsus , a Jewish community outside Judea, a Roman colony in Cilicia in Greece.

弟兄们知道了,就送他下凯撒利亚,打发他往大数去。Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus.

实验对6头健康有牛的腕关节、跗关节滑液的细胞学成分进行了研究,确立了关节滑液细胞的计数方法。The cellular constituents of the carpus and tarsus were investigated in 6 healthy Holstein cows.

他又往大数去找扫罗、找著了、就带他到安提阿去。Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch.

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不过,他所做最有价值的一件事是支持那反覆无常的「危险分子」,大数人扫罗。The most valuable thing he did, however, was champion the cause of that volatile and "dangerous" convert, Saul of Tarsus.

上帝甚至可以将顽固抵挡圣工的大数以扫,改变成忠心爱主的使徒保罗。喔!The LORD can also convert a furious adversary into a brother in Christ and a fellow worker, as He did with Saul of Tarsus.

鸟类的跗跖骨以其独特的结构特征与其他四足动物跗骨、跗骨相区别。The avian tarsometatarsus distinguished from the tarsus and metatarsus of other quadruped by its unique characteristic of structure.

巴拿巴被在耶路撒冷的使徒派到安提阿宣教时,因觉得需要保罗的帮助而到大数去找他。When Barnabas was sent out on a mission to Antioch by the apostles in Jerusalem, and believing he needed Paul's help, he went looking for him in Tarsus.

大数的扫罗是突然归信的,但在亚拿尼亚带着安慰的话来到他那里之前,无人比他经历更大的对黑暗的恐惧。Saul of Tarsus was converted on a sudden, but no man ever went through a greater horror of darkness than he did before Ananias came to him with the words of comfort.