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每当我们梦见彼此陌路。Once we dreamt thar we were strangers.

苏切马上找来阿萨内,开口便是质问。Sue to a thar on chema, his mouth is questioned.

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所有的到达航班已在显示屏上列出。All the in -coming flights are listed on thar board.

才不,老弟,俺这儿还有条命令要下。Nay, laddie, thar be one more order I need ta give here.

因为国际法律事务是座大金山。Because there’s gold in them thar international legal hills.

像一只残酷的手抓住了我,使我无力抵抗——我无助的灵魂啊!O cruel hands thar hold me powerless — O helpless soul of me!

“石头的价值在于能不断地产出黄金”——我们真要感谢陨石了。There's gold in them thar hills—and we may have meteorites to thank.

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有些沙丘和塔尔沙漠中沙丘一样高。Some of the sand dunes were as high as sand dunes in the Thar dessert.

印度西部与巴基斯坦接壤的是塔尔沙漠。Towards western India, bordering southeast Pakistan, lies the Thar Desert.

我们浮躁的生活,需要你们身上的这些美德。We blundering grownups nees in our lives the virtues thar you have in yours.

中国青年节是纪念1919年发生的五四运动的日子。The Chinese Youth Day commemorates the May 4th Movement thar happened in 1919.

重要的是特尔巴格尔有效措施,应采取正确的趋势。It is essential thar effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.

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然而谁也想不到,这却是“玛林•凯恩”号油船发出的最后一份报告。" But who also couldn t think thar this was "ma Lin, Kane" tanker of the final report.

朵索向他解释,所有的好她都记在心里,阿萨内嘴硬说不懂。Flower explained to him, all she had in mind, mouth shut inside a thar said dont understand.

印度西北部一城市,位于德里西南偏西巴基斯坦边境附近的塔尔沙漠上。A city of northwest India in the Thar Desert near the Pakistan border west-southwest of Delhi.

我们要给予他们工作的意愿。令人满意的工作并不能带来持久的快乐,只有得知工作做得很出色才能如此。We give them the talent for sharing. That it is not so much thar we give , as to what we share.

埃塔昂把最近对的军队辞职热的报道斥为毫无意义——即使这些辞职行为都是真的。Aye Thar Aung dismissed reports of the recent round of military resignations as meaningless, even if they are true.

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那神秘的暖流沿美国东海岸北上,而后向欧洲大陆流去。The mysterious body of warm water thar flows up the eastern coast of the Unite States and then heads off for Europe.

或如果采购商选择持有受损货物,则卖家可从买家所欠货款中扣除部分赔偿。Or if the buyer chooses to keep damaged goods, the seller may deduct an allowance from the amount thar the buyer owes.

仿真结果表明,该算法是一个有效的组播拥塞控制算法,具有一定的实用价值。The experiment results reval thar this algorithm is an effectivemulticast congestion algorithm and has some practical use.