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进步还是退步?Progress or Retrogression?

时间飞速的在我的脑中倒退。Time of rapid retrogression in my mind.

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你将自由,远离所有倒退。Free shalt thou be from all retrogression.

坚持进步,反对倒退!Persist in progress and oppose retrogression !

我有什么理由停留在原点并且后退呢?I have no reason to stay at the origin and the retrogression?

乍一看,这似乎是一个社会文明的倒退。At first glance, it seems a retrogression of social civilization.

哈哈,这是对历史的或社会的倒退倒退?Haha, is this a retrogression of history or retrogression of the society?

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网页游戏的出现,可以说是一种游戏的“倒退”。The occurrence of webpage game, can saying is a kind of game " retrogression ".

人们弃城而逃,重新回归农耕生活。显然,这是社会退化的标志。People are abandoning cities to return to agriculture, a sure sign of social retrogression.

我国党内监替领导体制经过了产生、退化及恢复三个阶段。The supervision system has gone through three stages of birth, retrogression and restoration.

宣传反共,排除异己,反对进步,鼓励倒退。They oppose communism, purge those who hold different views, hinder progress and favor retrogression.

事实上,由于目前经济的不景气,这种事情的发生比2000年还要频繁。In actuality, this incident is even some-more diligent than it was in 2000 since of the retrogression.

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肝组织炎症改变较轻,退行变明显,不同程度脂肪变性较为突出。Inflammatory injury is slight, while retrogression and fatty degeneration in hepatic tissue were obvious.

采用电泳数据间接估算的近交衰退程度很高。Calculations from electrophoresis data showed that very a high inbreeding retrogression occurred in the C.

前进尽管有困难,但不能停顿,倒退没有出路。Although in our way ahead, there will be difficulties, we can not stop. Retrogression or backpedaling offers no way out.

结论长期乙醇摄入可导致大鼠胰腺腺泡细胞退行性改变及外分泌功能减低。Conclusions Long-term alcohol consumption could induce acinar cell retrogression and decrease pancreatic exocrine function.

因此可以认为,丹膝擦剂可以阻止软骨破坏的加重,抑制软骨退变的发展,促进软骨自身的修复。So DXL may be preclude the further damage of cartilage, inhibit the retrogression of cartilage and promote the repair of cartilage.

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CNTF的神经和肌肉双重营养性能使其可能在神经肌肉损伤和退行性病变的治疗上发挥重要作用。The neurotrophic and myotrophic effect of CNTF may play an important role in the treatment of nerve muscle injury and retrogression.

非统一于投降而统一于抗战,非统一于分裂而统一于团结,非统一于倒退而统一于进步。They advocate unification for resistance and not for capitulation, for unity and not for division, for progress and not for retrogression.

这个特点的具体反映是日本的退步和寡助,中国的进步和多助。These characteristics are concretely reflected in Japan's retrogression and paucity of support and in China's progress and abundance of support.