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你们喜欢我的那些安踏赛前家当吗?What you all think of my Anta Swag?

我安踏的朋友们,保持无畏向上!Keep Reaching Higher my Anta Friends.

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我的安踏战靴感觉超棒,我身体恢复也很不错。My Anta sneakers felt great and body is ready.

安踏还与休斯顿火箭队建立了密切联系。There are many links between Anta and the Houston Rockets.

我还给所有喜欢安踏的朋友们录制了一段小视频,之后应该你们就能看到了!I also videoed a little message to all my Anta "peeps" that will be displayed sometime soon!

中国知名运动鞋公司安踏体育用品有限公司的展位前围满了数十位求职者。The small stand for Anta China Co., a famous sport shoe company in China, was surrounded by dozens of people.

魏晓坡表示,尽管这种直营零售战略将有助于安踏品牌的建立,但在最初几年中很可能也会处于亏损状态。Mr. Wei says Anta likely will as well in the first few years, although the strategy will also help build its brand.

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前世界排名第一的塞尔维亚网球选手扬科维奇,已从锐步脱身,转而投靠了一家中国体育用品公司——安踏。When former No.1-ranked Serbian tennis player Jelena Jankovic was dropped by Reebok she turned to Chinese sportswear firm Anta.

里昂证券分析师魏晓坡警告说,随着安踏在多个城市中开设了直营旗舰店,公司近期可能会面临利润压力。Xiaopo Wei, an analyst at CLSA, warns that Anta could face near-term margin pressures following the rollout of directly managed flagship stores in several cities.

但最近几年安踏已成为中国篮球协会、中国排球协会和中国乒乓球协会等举办的体育赛事的主要赞助商。But in recent years, Anta has become the main sponsor for activities such as the Chinese Basketball Association, the China Volleyball League and China's table-tennis league.