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我一团乱。I was a mess.

我们完全一团糟。We were a mess.

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埃及乱糟糟的。Egypt is a mess.

别惹老妈。Don’t mess with moms.

不要跟我们德克萨斯人较劲。Don't mess with Texas.

屋子里乱糟糟的。The room is in a mess.

这个房间杂乱不堪。This room's in a mess.

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屋子乱得一塌糊涂。The room was in a mess.

你的房间杂乱不堪。Your room is in a mess.

当时真的很糟糕It's in a terrible mess.

我是不想把事情弄糟了。I don't wanna mess it up.

我说到做到,你们不要惹我。I'm not one to mess with.

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彼得,把这一团乱整理干净。Peter, tidy up your mess.

别乱翻我的东西。Do not mess with my stuff.

字体渲染也很乱。Font rendering was a mess.

他的事务处于一团乱。His affairs are in a mess.

大胆夺命书生!竟敢在此捣乱?!How dare you mess up here?

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么有你我活得不象人样。I'm in a mess lacking you.

对不起,我把这儿弄脏了。I'm sorry . I made a mess.

我现在心里一团乱。My mind is totally a mess.