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她的绘画已汇入形体抽象艺术的潮流中。Her artwork is in harmony in the tide of abstractive gesture.

一幕幕景象在她眼前闪现,是那样奇妙而迷人呀。A series of scenes appeared in front of her eyes, how dramatic, and how abstractive.

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即便是写实的作品,也是抽象思维的产物。Even if realistic paintings is also the works that artists manage abstractive thinking.

从而降低了理解这一抽象问题的难度。As a result, the difficulty in understanding this abstractive problem can be made lessened.

对于运行时间而言,常用的时间复杂度分析技术基于的是抽象的算法,并非实际程序。Methods of time complexity analysis are usually based on abstractive algorithms, rather than actual programs.

这种将PIM模型进一步分解的方法提高了模型的抽象层次和复用性,是将MDA应用于项目开发实践的有效方法。This is an effective method in the practice of MDA that improves the reusable and abstractive properties of PIM.

布料的基本图案有鲜艳的大几何图案,同时黑白等强烈的色彩对比又再次回归到视线当中。Among the contrast of colors it is obviously different abstractive geometry pattern impact become strong message.

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我们一直在寻求新的艺术与生活的表达方式,尽可能将它的抽象美转化为具象的实在。We are looking for the new expression of life and art, trying to turn the abstractive beauty into the concrete things.

本设计亦逞抽象化的油灯状,其为广受使用的「现代护理」之标记。This image also takes on an abstractive shape of an oil lamp set which has long been used as a symbol of modern nursing.

只有具备抽象思维的能力,才能将事物、画面认识得更为本质、深刻。Only we obtain the capacity of abstractive thinking, can we cognize the objection and the painting more essentially and deeply.

如果你长得好看,这会对你的社交活动很有帮助,因为你会显得很有魅力。It will be beneficial for your social activities if you are good-looking, because your good appearance makes you more abstractive.

提炼、概括的过程是抽象思维的过程,也是形成语言、产生艺术符号的过程。The course of abstract and generalize is just the course of managing the abstractive thinking, and is also the course of form our art languages and art symbols.

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分形已成为当今最热门的研究领域之一。本文基于分形提出了一种模拟植物生长的实用方法,并取得了良好效果。Fraotal is one of tne mot abstractive subjects Based on fractal, this paper advances an approach of simulating the growth of plants. Its effectiveness is examined by program.

劳动者层次的差异性反映出了劳动者由“抽象人”向“具体人”的转变过程,应该是经济补偿金制度重构的理论基础。Laborer's level discrepancy reflected by the transition from " abstractive person" to "specific person" should be the theory foundation of reconstruction of dismissal wage system.

我们说的“纯粹哲学”,首先是指哲学的最抽象的普遍性,这是区别于实证科学的主要标志,也是哲学优越之处。Firstly, purified philosophy as we are saying means the most abstractive universality of philosophy which is the main symbol different from positive science and the preferrence of philosophy.