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每个人都在谈论PSG,这让我高兴。Everybody's talking about PSG and that pleases me.

马赛滑落至积分榜中游,7分落后第三名里尔。Lyon slipped to third place, three points behind PSG.

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这一招非常有效,我的排士官长直接命中了一个观察哨。This worked pretty good, and my PSG got a direct hit on one OP.

乌拉圭队长迭戈卢加诺是第一个逃离,加盟巴黎圣日耳曼。Uruguay skipper Diego Lugano was the first to flee, joining PSG.

设计报告总结应由管架集团技术总监负责核准。The Design Report summary will be approved by the PSG Technical Director.

半导体表面钝化方法很多,但使用最广泛的是PSG膜。The method of semiconductor surfaces passivation have much, but PSG films widely used.

他跟随去年夏天从巴黎圣日尔曼加盟利物浦的前锋恩戈格的脚步来到安菲尔德。He follows in the footsteps of striker David Ngog, who joined Liverpool from PSG last summer.

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在卡塔尔富商收购俱乐部后,巴黎圣日耳曼已经拥有雄厚的资金来完成一笔笔重磅签约。PSG now have the financial clout to make big signings, with the Qatar Investment Authority backing the club.

PSG已经在他们打算签下一些有质量的球员时,就已经和这个前皇马球员紧密的联系在了一起。PSG have been strongly linked with the former Real Madrid ace as they look to bring in some high- profile signings.

这位前巴黎圣日耳曼前锋解释说,他在赛季前并不能确定到自己还是这个世界上最好的足球运动员,但现在他很高兴他重新成为这个角色了。The former PSG forward claimed that he did not realise he was the top scorer in pre-season but was pleased to do so.

报告还详细说明了个人电脑业务对惠普解决方案产品阵容和整体品牌价值的贡献度。It also detailed the significant extent to which PSG contributes to HP's solutions portfolio and overall brand value.

1997年17岁的阿内尔卡从巴黎圣日尔曼转会阿森纳的时候,看起来将会拥有辉煌的阿森纳生涯。The Frenchman looked set for a glittering career in red-and-white when he arrived from PSG in February 1997, aged 17.

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对阿里亚迭雷来说PSG仍然是他的一个选择,同时有英格兰和西班牙的俱乐部正在紧盯着他的合同谈判。PSG are still an option for Aliadiere, while clubs in England and Spain are keeping an eye on the player's contract talks.

根据法国媒体报道,AC米兰对巴萨32岁的边后卫埃里克。阿比达尔很感兴趣,而同样对他感兴趣的还有巴黎圣日耳曼。According to the French medias, AC Milan are interested in Barcelona 32 year old defender Eric Abidal, also tracked by PSG.

另外还有报道,目前正在雷恩效力的法国预备队球员吉米·布利安德也已经同意于本夏加盟巴黎圣日尔曼。It has also been reported that France reserve Jimmy Briand, currently playing for Rennes, has also agreed a summer move to PSG.

方法回顾分析患者呼吸机治疗6个月前后多导睡眠监测结果、外周循环血代谢参数及腰围值等数据,并行对比分析。Methods Retrospective and contrast analysis of 30 patients' PSG results before and after 6 months with therapy by NPPV were carried out.

哈扎德上周曾表示不会加入法甲的巴黎圣日耳曼,并自曝今年夏天曾谢绝了来自AC米兰和国米的邀请。Hazard last week ruled out a move to PSG as well as revealing that he turned down offers from AC Milan and Inter Milan during the summer.

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据太阳报报道,由于乔科尔现今在安菲尔德不受待见,所以巴黎圣日耳曼相信能够免费引进乔科尔。And with Cole seemingly not in favour at Anfield, PSG believe they could tempt him away on a free transfer, according to a report in the Sun.

我非常感谢巴黎圣日耳曼给我继续征战绿茵场的机会,但是我觉得现在是结束我职业生涯的最佳时机,在最高水平的联赛当中。I'm thankful to PSG for giving me the opportunity to continue but I feel now is the right time to finish my career, playing at the highest level.

巴黎圣日尔曼队的目标还包括切尔西的克劳迪奥。皮萨罗,在斯坦福桥他似乎是多余的。PSG are also considering a move for Chelsea's Claudio Pizarro, who has been told he will continue being surplus to requirements at Stamford Bridge.