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你有一个漂亮的头发,大斗。You've got big hair and a comely doo.

屏幕上出现了一个清秀的女孩的脸。On the screen appeared a girl of comely face.

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这个姑娘身材佼好,面容清秀。The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.

一个紧张不安、衣着漂亮的小姑娘站了出来。A nervous, comely -dressed little girl stepped out.

这个漂亮的跑车是强大的,因为它是脚踏实地。This comely coupe is as powerful as it is surefooted.

这样一种恐惧也使蒋介石夫人的标致的脑袋不安过一阵子。Such a fear also troubled the comely head of Mme. Chiang kai-shek.

这儿,一个清秀的女子教练一起和犯人在监狱院子里慢跑。Here, a comely woman coach jogs alongside an inmate in the prison yard.

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你的两腮因发辫而秀美,你的颈项因珠串而华丽。Thy cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, thy neck with chains of gold.

你两鬓的头发多么秀美,像珠宝链子绕着脖子。Thy cheeks are comely with plaits of hair, Thy neck with strings of jewels.

我了解你,你会傻到要去劝架。能允许我说,你今晚看起来很清秀吗?。I know you. You're stupid enough to break it up. May I say you look very comely tonight?

在这秀美无比的花园里住着白孔雀和蓝胸孔雀。And there dwell in this comely garden white peacocks and peacocks that have blue breasts.

他面对大家站着,讨人喜欢的脸上带着难以用语言形容的迷人笑容。He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.

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4我的佳偶阿,你美丽如得撒,秀美如耶路撒冷,威武如展开旌旗的军队。Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.

这个漂亮的年轻的高尔夫球童,就是Nasrudin的第三任妻子,逗弄了媒体一整年。The comely young golf caddie who was also the third wife of Nasrudin tantalized the media all year.

这种混合的结果是产生了复杂的味觉体验,这两种烟草被包裹在美丽的厄瓜多尔哈巴那包叶内。This lends complexity to the blend, which is held together by a comely Ecuador Havana wrapper leaf.

虽然王永庆国小毕业,但是他的字相当清秀,书法很好。Although Wang Yongqing country is small, graduate, but his word is quite comely , calligraphy is very good.

本报讯长沙麓山商业文明街上一名眉目清秀、年轻帅气的小伙在两平方米大小的店铺卖烧饼。Groups of small in size of two square metre shop with a young and comely , handsome features sells sesame seed cake.

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乔拉爵士从没可能被称为一个英俊的男人,而那个烙印则让他看起来很吓人。Ser Jorah had never been what one might call a comely man. The brand had transformed his face into something frightening.

至于我们俊美的肢体,就不需要了。但神将这身体调和在一起,把更丰盈的体面加给那有缺欠的肢体。But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked.

他们在人生的田野里,总是获有更多经济或社会的优势,从有更多求婚者浪漫的求婚,到在法庭判罪时更轻的刑罚都是如此。The comely reap real social and economic gains in life, from broader romantic proposals to lighter punishment in criminal courts.