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热浪滚滚!Hot wave!

真是一个烫手山芋。Hot potato.

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酷夏。Hot summer.

热加工。Hot working.

我喜欢喝热的汤。I love hot soup.

它使用热空气。It uses hot air.

现在他们来劲了。Now they're hot.

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我要热开水。Hot water for me.

长长的冲一次热水澡.A long hot shower.

感到发冷发热。Feel hot and cold.

姜是辣的。Ginger tastes hot.

吃热狗好吗?Hot dog?- Hot dog.

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这鬼天气实在是太热了。It’s too darn hot.

喔呼!一个热狗!Oooooh! A hot dog!

这对乔纳太热啦!Too hot for Jonah!

孩子也可能是热了。Babies also be hot.

既炎热又阳光。Both hot and sunny.

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今天真热!Isn't it hot today!

食物又便宜又热乎。It's cheap and hot.

我的名字叫夏冰。My name is hot ice.