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怎样才能让大象远离你家的花园?How do you keep a pachyderm out of your garden?

在英国的一个野生动物园里一头象堪称毕加索。And pachyderm turns Picassoat a safari park in Britain.

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英国野生动物园的一头大象俨然变身为毕家索。And a pachyderm turns Picasso at a safari park in Britain.

现在,这只已经退休的大家伙在安达曼岛上从事拉木材这种工作已经30年了。The now retired pachyderm hauled timber in the Andaman Islands for 30 years.

依我看,人要是长了像大象一样的长鼻子,简直就是怪物,哪还算是人?In my opinion, a human born with a nose like a pachyderm is more a goblin than a person.

位于南非东部植物保护区的阿多大象国家公园里的大象An pachyderm is pictured at Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa.

一个泰国建筑师将其对大象的热爱兑现于以此厚皮类动物设计了这个住宅办公综合楼。A Thai architect took his love for elephants and designed a luxury residence and office building in the shape of a pachyderm.

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玛丽修女从来没想到白金汉宫女王的社交圈里还会有白象这种东西。This was an aspect of Buckingham Palace society that had never occurred to Sister Mary, although the pachyderm fitted right in.

日本研究者们于今年将发起一项研究,通过克隆技术使早已灭绝的猛犸象复生,在5年的时间里将古老的厚皮动物重生。Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in around five years time.

野生动物团体强烈抨击一印度邦关于使用避孕措施减少驯养大象数目的提议,称它将使大象群体面临更大的威胁。Wildlife groups have slammed a move by an Indian state to give contraceptives to domesticated elephants to control their numbers, saying it would hurt the pachyderm population already under threat.