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这就是“箭鱼”的世界。This is the world of Swordfish.

这就是“箭鱼”的世界。This is the world of Swordfish.

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箭鱼被捕鱼网给捲入了。The swordfish got entangled in the fishing net.

荧光棒可以用于捕抓剑鱼的诱饵。Glow sticks are used as lures for catching swordfish.

鳗鲡正从地中?焖傧?剑鱼正从印度洋消失。Eels are fast vanishing from Mediterranean, swordfish from the Indian Ocean.

鳗鲡正从地中海快速消失,剑鱼正从印度洋消失。Eels are fast vanishing from Mediterranean , swordfish from the Indian Ocean.

它现在就在大家眼前,果然大极了,比哪条箭鱼都大得多。反正托马斯·赫德森这一辈子是第一次看见。Now he was really huge, bigger than any swordfish Thomas Hudson had ever seen.

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深海鲨鱼通常在公海中被金枪鱼或箭鱼的捕捞渔业同时捕获。Pelagic sharks are usually caught on the high seas in tuna or swordfish fisheries.

箭鱼、鲨鱼、方头鱼、新鲜的金枪鱼排和鲭鱼等。Swordfish shark tilefish fresh tuna steak and king mackerel are the main culprits.

剑鱼机的最伟大之处在于子弹只是直接穿过它,毕竟它是用帆布造的。就像是大卫和歌利亚。The great thing about the Swordfish was that the bullets just went straight through.

Swordfish框架所使用的是现在SOA通用的标准。The Swordfish framework is based on standards that are relevant in the SOA space today.

多个研究个案亦显示,新式鱼钩有助提高剑鱼的渔获量。Leatherback turtle . the new hook has also in many cases led to higher swordfish catches.

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也就是说,不要在开始的时候把一个东西称之为旗鱼,而后面又称之为沙漏。That is, don't start by calling something a swordfish and end by calling it an hourglass.

马林鱼,旗鱼,剑鱼这些鱼的长嘴很大程度上帮助他们在水中穿梭。The long bill of marlins, sailfishes, and swordfish probably helps them slip through the water.

你要是在想“要命,真要命,这条剑鱼差点戳穿我脑袋了”的话,那我们就想一块儿去了。Were you thinking, "Holy shit, holy shit, a swordfish almost went through my head"?If so, then yes.

你要是在想“要命,真要命,这条剑鱼差点戳穿我脑袋了”的话,那我们就想一块儿去了。Were you thinking, "Holy shit, holy shit, a swordfish almost went through my head"? If so, then yes.

对高汞的鱼说“不”,比如新鲜的金枪鱼,金枪鱼罐头,野生鲈鱼,旗鱼和方头鱼。Say "no" to high-mercury fish such as fresh tuna, canned albacore, wild bass, swordfish and tilefish.

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据介绍,以舰队航空作为费尔雷箭鱼和费尔雷双翼更换臂长鳍鲔。It was introduced to the Fleet Air Arm as a replacement for the Fairey Swordfish and Fairey Albacore biplanes.

厚而紧实的大西洋箭鱼烤至恰到好处,并点缀着清脆的杏仁和番茄。Thick, firm Atlantic swordfish steak grilled to perfection and garnished with crispy almond sliver and tomato.

此酒最理想是以意大利冷面沙拉作配搭,它还可以提升猪肉,牛肉,烤鸡或箭鱼的质量。Excellent with cold summer pasta salads, it has the weight to hold up to pork, veal, roast chicken or swordfish.