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他向老师复命。He reported to his teacher.

抢掠行为被广泛报道。Looting was widely reported.

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受其影响,海南岛中东部受到暴风雨袭击,至今尚无伤亡报道。No casualties were reported.

有人打了你的小报告吗?And someone just reported you?

加拿大已经确认了165名病例。Canada has reported 165 cases.

据报道有60%的利润。Eg. 60% profit was a reported.

设备报告的个别性错误。General error reported by device.

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报告船旗国了吗?Has the flag state been reported?

他报了假地址。He has reported the false address.

你有去派出所报失?Have you reported it to the police?

她到新岗位报了到。She reported herself at a new post.

报道一例血管肉瘤。A case of angiosarcoma was reported.

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酒店员工照常报到上班。Hotel staff reported for their shifts.

方法报告2例苗勒管综合征。Methods 2 cases of PMDS were reported.

IRNA报道,她已于晚些时候被释放。She was later released, IRNA reported.

有没有其他人报称受伤。There were no other reported injuries.

还报过频频美术班。Also reported that several art classes.

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据报昨晚有五人丧生。Five more deaths were reported overnight.


“而且膝盖也全好了,”他说。"And the knee's fine again, " he reported.