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“皮拉尔号”原本是用来去加勒比海捕鱼的。Pilar was designed for catching big fish in the Caribbean.

“比拉号”最初是为在加勒比海上捕获大鱼而设计。Pilar was designed for catching big fish in the Caribbean.

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归途中,皮拉尔向玛丽亚和乔丹询问他俩的恋情。On the way back pilar questions maria and jordan about their romance.

那天晚上,皮拉尔在洞中一边准备晚餐,一边讲述她给一位著名的斗牛士当情妇的生活。As she prepares supper in the cave that night Pilar talks of her life as mistress to a famous bullfighter.

在华盛顿特区,类似由在巴基斯坦出生的杰里·赛克拉和他在西班牙出生的妻子帕拉组成的夫妇比比皆是。In Washington D. C. , a couple like Pakistani-born Jerry Sequeira and his Spanish-born wife Pilar do not turn any heads.

“皮拉尔号”现在已经是博物馆的展品,陈列在哈瓦那郊外,海明威住所的花园里,“它像一条喘着气老鲸鱼,皮肤原有的棕褐色渐渐褪去”。Pilar is now a museum piece "like some old and gasping browned-out whale" in the garden of Hemingway's house outside Havana.

“比拉”号现在“像一条喘着粗气的泛黄的老鲸鱼”一样陈列在海明威位于哈瓦那郊外的房子的花园里,现在已经成为了博物馆。Pilar is now a museum piece “like some old and gasping browned-out whale” in the garden of Hemingway’s house outside Havana.

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“比拉号”也是海明威同妻儿们一起生活过的地方,但这段往事并未给海明威的声誉锦上添花。Pilar was also the scene of time spent with wives and children, and those reflections do not sweeten Hemingway's reputation.

比拉”号也是海明威和妻儿共度时光的一个场景,然而这些回忆却不能挽救海明威的名声。Pilar was also the scene of time spent with wives and children, and those reflections do not sweeten Hemingway’s reputation.

墩差测量和仪器比测是地磁观测中最基本的工作,直接影响到观测资料的质量和使用价值。The pilar difference measurement and instrument comparison is basic to the quality and usage of the recorded geomagnetic data.

山洞里顿时鸦雀无声,他听得到比拉尔烧饭的炉灶里柴火发出的咝咝声。It was so quiet in the cave, suddenly, that he could hear the hissing noise the wood made burning on the hearth where Pilar cooked.

在“聋子”的营地,趁着乔丹同那位队长商议的空当,皮拉尔跟华金相互打趣起来。华金是个年轻小伙子,战前曾想当名斗牛士。At El Sordo's camp Pilar exchanges badinage with Joaquin, a young man who wanted to be a bullfighter before the war, while Jordan confers with the leader.

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但是这种反常的传记猜测却无法解释海明威如何相当一部分文学成就,尤其是在购买”比拉”号以前。But this obsessive biographical speculation has managed to obscure Hemingway’s considerable literary achievement, especially in the years before he bought Pilar.

卡梅丽达·蒙蒂埃尔是个二十岁的姑娘,刚在自己身上洒了花露水,把迷迭香花瓣撒在皮拉·苔列娜床上,就听到了枪声。Carmelita Montiel, a twenty-year-old virgin, had just bathed in orange-blossom water and was strewing rosemary leaves on Pilar Ternera's bed when the shot rang out.

西班牙文化部长卡斯第约则向奇利达致敬,形容他是「拥有当代艺术罕见的宇宙观的西班牙人和巴斯克人」。Spain's Culture Minister Pilar del Castillo paid tribute to Chillida and described him as "a Spanish and a Basque that possessed exceptional world view in modern arts".

西班牙斗牛士曼纽尔耶稣奇德“厄尔尼诺奇德”手表时在圣佛明节科里达一个从萨尔瓦多皮拉尔地产牛市死亡,7月13日2010年在潘普洛纳。Spanish matador Manuel Jesus Cid "El Cid" watches the death of a bull from the El Pilar estate, during a corrida at the San Fermin festival, on July 13, 2010 in Pamplona.

马丁的妻子比拉尔,儿子巴普洛和马可斯的女友玛丽亚卡门的到来打断了二人在这个自由国度的生活。The arrival of Martin´s wife Pilar and son Pablo, and Marcos´girlfriend Maria del Carmen, marks the end of the bachelor life they were living in a country with lost of freedom.

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最近的这则导致现任董事玛丽亚戴尔皮拉尔塔辞职的丑闻似乎表明,在豪尔赫诺格拉离开后,监视活动仍然在进行。And the latest scandal which has prompted the resignation of the agency's current director, Maria del Pilar Hurtado, would seem to indicate that those practices may have continued after his departure.