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后旋球容易接。This backspin makes the ball easier to catch.

我们正在练习反手推挡。We are practising backhand topspin and backspin serves.

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他发了个下旋球,搞得丹顿不知所措。He did a backspin serve, Denton didn't know how to do it.

你在学习发反手上旋球和下旋球。You are learning the backhand topspin and backspin serves.

更多的回旋会减球速,使它掉进场内。More backspin will slow the ball down and let it drop into the court.

班半色球摆成水平,用低杆击球入袋,这时我们看看反旋转能维持多久。Put the stripe horizontally and view how much backspin shows up when you hit low.

这样可选手可以通过往下往前切,对球产生更多的回旋。This allows the player to put more backspin on the ball by cutting down and forward on the ball.

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如果抛球时角度稍低一点使球旋转,球将会再多扔几米远。The ball could travel a few metres further if it was thrown with a "backspin" at slightly lower angle.

学习如何做,在这个免费的在线课程霹雳舞旋动作断路器的开始。Learn how to do backspin moves in breakdancing in this free online dance lesson for beginning breakers.

球棒斜面打击高尔夫球时,常发生“后旋”,就是这种类似效应。A similar effect occurs with golf balls, which always have "backspin" from impact with the slanted club face.

发球方法包括,反手上旋球和下旋球,正手上旋球和下旋球。和高抛发球。Services include the backhand topspin and backspin serves , the forehand topspin and backspin serves , and the high toss service.

所有的发球技巧,罗纳德似乎都懂-----反手上旋球和下旋球、正手上旋球和下旋球以及高抛球。Ronald seems to know all kinds of serve techniques-the backhand topspin and backspin serves, the forehand topspin and backspin serves, and the high toss serves.

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负场比赛接发球以摆短为主,第三板以抢攻下旋和上旋转攻为主,而抢攻下旋得分效果良好。Negative match the return of serve to put a short-based, the third board to sights on the next spin and spin attack on the main, while the inroads backspin score good results.

李佳薇的发球多使用反手位一个带“拱”的迷惑性动作的侧上、侧下旋发球,正手位可以用正胶发半下蹲发球。Li Jia Wei of the use of multi-serve with a backhand bit, "arch" of the confusing nature of the action side, the side of the backspin serve, hand-made plastic can now serve a half squat.

抬高球杆,是会给球以反旋转的。不过相较你把球杆放平来打低杆,这样的拉杆效果会减弱很多。While it's possible to put back spin on the ball while elevating the cue, the draw you'll create pales in comparison to the quantity of backspin you'll generate if you cue low with a level cue.