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自治领的兴起。The growth of dominions.

艺术之苗,卓然成长。Art Miller, stand growth.

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好,让我们来想想。OK. Order of growth here.

为增长业绩做好准备。Sett the stage for growth.

追修业习和成长。Pursue growth and learning.

还可能会有成长。There is also growth there.

这是成长因缘。This is the cause of growth.

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什么是成长因缘?What is the cause of growth?

这就是生长的秘诀。That is the secret of growth.

这是一个有益的增长。And this is profitable growth.

企业推动软件移动化趋势Enterprise Drives Mobile Growth

增长直到1996年才见顶。Growth did not peak until 1996.

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由于骨质增生而导致的跗节内肿。Spavin caused by a bony growth.

我们预计2012年前不会增长。We expect no growth until 2012.

但这个增长要烧钱的。But that growth will cost money.

但这些都是成长型资产。But those are all growth assets.

每20年可提高的增长率Increasing growth every 20 years

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南京引种的银鹊树生长发育良好。The growth and development of T.

经济增长不能依靠掠夺。Growth doesn't depend on plunder.

Maitake能抑制肿瘤生长吗?Can Maitake Inhibit Cancer Growth?