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首先是套袋跑。First is a sack race.

麦包散了。The sack of wheat has spilled.

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荣誉和私利不能睡在一起。Honour and profit lie not sack.

你的麻布袋里有多少礼物?How many presents in your sack?

在麻布袋装满之前绑住口!Bind the sack before it be full!

袋子装得过满便扎不住口。Bind the sack before it be full.

他砰的一声重重放下一袋水泥。He slapped a sack of cement down.

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他因小偷小摸遭到了解雇。He got the sack for petty thieving.

他因微小窃盗遭到了解雇。He got the sack for petty thieving.

他手里提着一只粗抹布口袋。He carried a gunny sack in his hand.

我和朋友踢毽子的。I played hacky sack with my friends.

鸟儿把袋子啄出一个洞。The birds pecked a hole in the sack.

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收购麻袋的人正要锁门。The sack buyer was about to lock up.

每匹马都认为自己驮的袋子最重。Every horse thinks his sack heaviest.

代表荣耀,荣誉与利益自古难两全。Honor and profit lie not in one sack.

有一年夏季,我受雇替人把粮食装袋。I got hired one summer to sack grain.

每疋马认为自己驮的袋子重。every horse thinks his sack heaviest.

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他背一大袋煤炭上楼。He humped a big sack of coal upstairs.

小鸡在布袋上啄了一个洞。The chicken pecked a hole in the sack.

并由附有纸质骰子的棉袋包装。Comes in a cotton sack with paper dice.