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葡萄球菌,淋菌沿此途径扩散。Staphylococcus, gonococcus along this way proliferation.

关节腔液检查有淋菌存在。Examination of articulatory antrum fluid has gonococcus to exist.

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例如,淋球菌和脑膜炎球菌都呈咖啡豆形。The gonococcus and meningococcus, for example, are coffee-bean shaped.

淋球菌用平板浸润法接种比平板涂布法好。Inoculation of gonococcus using plate infiltration method was better than that using plate smearing method.

淋病亦可有皮肤淋菌性脓疱疮、淋菌性关节炎、淋菌性心内膜炎等。Clap also can have skin gonococcus sex sex of arthritis of sex of pustular sore, gonococcus, gonococcus endocarditis.

本试剂与多种其他细菌及多株淋球菌作协同凝集试验,证明具有高度的特异性和敏感性。Ten coagglutination of the reagent with various strains of gonococcus and other bacteria showed specificity and sensitivity.

性病主要是梅毒、淋病、非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣、生殖器疱疹、软下疳、艾滋病等。Venereal and main it is urethritis of sex of gonococcus of syphilis, clap, blame, acerb bleb of wet wart, genital, soft chancre, AIDS.

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能引起人类非淋菌性尿道炎的主要有解脲支原体、人型支原体、生殖支原体。Can cause human of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of mainly have the solution of urea mycoplasma, people type mycoplasma, reproductive mycoplasma.

我们生产衣原体诊断试剂盒、淋球菌选择性培养基和支原体培养基等3种产品。We have developed 3 kind products, such as Diagnostic kit of Chlamydia, Culture Medium And Identification kit for Gonococcus and Culture Medium For Mycoplasma.

支原体生殖道感染与非淋菌性尿道炎或宫颈炎有关,此外可引起前列腺炎、附睾炎和不育症等。Mycoplasma genital infection and of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of or cervicitis relevant, besides can cause prostatitis, epididymitis and infertility, etc.

支原体主要存在于人和动物的腔道粘膜,可引起前列腺炎、非淋菌性尿道炎、附睾炎、不育症等。Mycoplasma mainly exists in human and animal sinus tract mucous membrane, can cause prostatitis, of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of, the epididymitis, infertility, etc.

本病是性传播疾病的一种,可与淋菌性尿道炎同时存在或交叉感染,好发于青年性旺盛时期。This disease is a the gender is pestiferous kind, can exist at the same time with gonococcus sex urethritis or alternate infection, good hair fills period at young sex flourishing.