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约翰和玛丽有希和解吗?Are John and Mary reconcilable?

一种不可调和的分离,每天比对而存。A separation not reconcilable is in opposite existence every day.

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商业化与向用户提供免费服务是不矛盾的。Commercialize with providing free service to the user is reconcilable.

我寻找的两样东西可能听起来有点儿矛盾,但是它们是协调的。I look for two things that may sound a bit inconsistent, but they're reconcilable.

它更分散、更分权,至少总体上而言更能与自由相容。it's more diffuse, more decentralized, more reconcilable — in principle, at least — with liberty.

这些都有悖于一个深切长久的渴望,即我们对于上帝的体验与物质现实二者是可以调和的。It just betrays a deep and abiding desire that our experience of God and physical reality were reconcilable.

这也是正确无疑的。这一点正是人道主义和宗教倾向不能和解之处。This again is true, and it marks the point at which the humanistic and the religious attitude cease to be reconcilable.

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人类的真理大部分是通过外在的事物而产生,很少与其内在的认知相调和,并缺乏内在的确认。Man's truth mostly is generated by that which is external, seldom reconcilable with his inner knowing and void of inner validation.

总体上讲这两点是不矛盾的,但如果我们在立法时过分强调其中一点,就有可能出问题。Tell this on the whole 2 o'clock is reconcilable , but if we are when legislation, emphasize overly among them a bit, give an issue likely.

这对阿卜杜拉来说是个好消息,因为这为重建政治舆论提供了平台,吸引了温和塔利班成员的注意—并且也削弱了卡尔扎伊的实力。This would soothe Mr. Abdullah, provide a forum to rebuild political consensus, draw in reconcilable Taliban figures—and cut Mr. Karzai down to size.

通过对物理摆周期的计算,得出可倒摆为物理摆的特例。By calculated the period of physical pendulum detailedly, the conclusion is educed that the reconcilable pendulum is only a special physical pendulum.

所有那些以妥协于快速经济发展为前提的看似和谐的环保论调都是伪绿色的宣传,用恐吓的命令来欺骗大众。All the comfortable talk of protection of nature being reconcilable with rapid economic growth is pseudo-green propaganda to deceive the masses of a terrifying order.

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包括布热津斯基以及彼得雷乌斯将军在内的许多专家,都呼吁当地各政治派别之间实现妥协,甚至与塔利班当中的温和派合作。And many experts, including Zbigniew Brzezinski and General Petraeus have called for local political accommodation, perhaps even with reconcilable elements of the Taliban.

这项宣布也使与塔利班谈判解决冲突面临风险,因为那些塔利班人员现在认为,他们可以等候美军的撤离了。This announcement also puts at risk a negotiated settlement with reconcilable elements of the Taliban, who will now believe they can wait out the departure of U.S. forces.

与「取得」作业不同的是,取得作业会自动合并两个档案版本的可协调差异,并协助您手动合并冲突,但是解除搁置作业则不支援合并。Unlike the Get operation, which merges reconcilable differences between two versions of a file automatically and helps you merge conflicts manually, the unshelve operation does not support merges.