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他用钱很吝啬。He is niggardly of money.

精打细算是一件吝啬的事。Nice calculation is a niggardly thing.

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为饥饿所迫,我为极少的工资而工作。Forcedbyhunger, I worked for niggardly pay.

小气的丈夫从不给她足够的钱买食品。The niggardly husband never gave her enough money for food.

我绚丽的羽衣是我天生的骄傲,但我从不吝惜使用。My beautiful plume is the pride of my birth, but I never use it niggardly.

别吝啬让你分文不花的东西,诸如礼貌、忠告和鼓励。Be not niggardly of what costs thee nothing, as courtesy, counsel, and countenance.

我们发现你的部下卡特·派克不仅粗鲁讨厌,动不动就吵架,而且还是个吝啬鬼。We found your Cotter Pyke to be an uncouth and unpleasant man, quarrelsome and niggardly.

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如果你视土地为敌人,因为它吝啬小气,仅能饱腹。You might regard the soil as your enemy because it yields reluctantly a niggardly subsistence.

在接待老朋友方面,中国政府极度大方,从不吝啬。The PRC government is never niggardly with the most courteous reception to their “old friends”.

在鲁迅的创作尤其是鲁迅的小说中,存在着一个十分重要的文化现象,这就是对中国俭啬文化的批判。There is a great significant cultural phenomena that criticizing the Chinese niggardly culture in Lu xun's creation, especially in Lu xun's novel.