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怀疑并不必然是罪恶的。Doubting is not necessarily sinful.

不要再怀疑你自己的伟大。Stop doubting the greatness in YOU.

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毫无疑问日本人喜欢养狗。There's no doubting that the Japanese like dogs.

圣灵吩咐我和他们同去,不要疑惑。And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting.

要坚定信念,必先怀疑。To believe with certainty we must begin with doubting.

笛卡尔对于他的存在开始沉思。Descartes began his musings by doubting his very existence.

当双子还在怀疑的时候,天蝎已经有了决心。The Scorpio is purposeful while the Gemini are always doubting.

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受到内心怀疑的风暴搅扰,伯多禄险遭倾覆。Having an interior storm of doubting thoughts, Peter was sinking.

没有她来使他的灵魂完整,他已经在置疑神意了。Without her to complete his soul, he was already doubting the gods.

但毫无疑问,过量生成活性氧会有害处。But there's no doubting that producing ROS in excess can be harmful.

门徒彼此对看,猜不透所说的是谁。Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake.

曾有一段时间,我不再怀疑那对夫妇悲痛的真实性。I'm not doubting for a moment the sincerity of the couple's distress.

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我朋友对许多中国商人不信任。My friends are doubting Thomases toward many Chinese business people.

我朋友对许多中国商人不信任。My friends are not doubting Thomases facing a lot Chinese trade people.

不喜欢那种忽近忽远,忽冷忽热猜不透的感觉。Don't like that kind of near and far, the feeling of hot and cold doubting.

似乎很少被怀疑中国领先的多人游戏厂商,这些天。Few seem to be doubting China's leading multiplayer-game makers these days.

将怀疑算子D加于命题之上就构成怀疑命题。By loading doubting operator D on a proposition, we obtain a doubting proposition.

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“您怀疑我的诚实?”班纳克询问,没有怨恨或挑战。"Are you doubting my honesty?" inquired Banneker, without resentment or challenge.

可现在他第一次变成了个温柔、羞怯、忐忑不安的追求者。And now, and for the first time, he was a suppliant, tender and timid and doubting.

她有点神经,不亲眼看到你,她就是不信你回来了。She is a bit of a doubting Thomas---she won't believe you are back till she sees you.