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他用手托着下巴。He cupped his chin in his hand.

那只温暖的手托着你。The warm hand is cupped under you.

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他用手捂着因牙痛而肿胀的半边脸。He cupped his cheek swelled by toothache.

她双手捧着孩子的脸。She cupped the child's face in her hands.

大型深洋红色捧着红色的花朵。Large deeply cupped blooms of magenta red.

她托腮冥想她的未来。She cupped her chin to study about her future.

他将手掌在嘴边弯成杯形喊叫。He cupped his hands around his mouth and called.

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他把两手弯成杯形,来回地吸气吹气。He cupped his hands. He puffed breath in and out.

她窝起两只手掌围着嘴喊。She cupped her hands round her mouth and shouted.

喂!」他用手做成喇叭状叫着。Hey there, " he shouted between his cupped hands."

捧着足弓最大的平衡和性能。Cupped midfoot for maximum balance and performance.

他打了个冷激灵,抖索着用手挡住烟斗,点燃了烟斗。He shivered, and cupped his hands to light his pipe.

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巨绒面革鞋跟,增加舒适度和支持。Cupped suede leather heel for added comfort and support.

我的下一个问题就是关于他那著名的左手腕内曲。My next question was about his famous cupped left wrist.

重读我的信件,用手在耳边窝成杯状。Reread the letters, with your hand cupped over your ear.

布查南笨拙地用双手托起她伸过去的手。Buchanan took her proffered hand and cupped it awkwardly in his.

排汗绒面鞋垫足弓支撑和巨脚跟。Moisture-wicking suede footbed with arch support and cupped heel.

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士兵们在湖边用手掬水喝。The soldiers cupped their hands together and drank from the lake.

我用手环住鹿的吻部,往它温热的嘴里吹气。I cupped the deers muzzle in my hand and breathed into its hot mouth.

他咧开嘴淘气地笑着,用一只手托起我的脸,吻了我一下。He grinned mischievously as he cupped my face with his hand and kissed me.