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打算丰胸了?Considering breast implants?

也可以考虑购买伺服电动机。Also considering buying servos.

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考虑提刀的安全高度。Considering the security level.

我想买套房子。I'm considering buying a house.

我在考虑踩轮滑上班。I'm considering blading to work.

现在她考虑在自己鼻子上动刀了。Now she is considering a nose job.

我们正在考虑卖房子。We're considering selling the house.

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你正考虑辞掉你的工作吗?Are you considering quitting your job?

陪同审判团正在考虑裁决。The jury are considering their verdict.

大旗网和王菲也在考虑上诉。Daqi and Wang are also considering appeals.

他正在考虑移居国外。He is considering that migrates the abroad.

仔细省思,我用衣袍。Considering it thoughtfully, I use the robe.

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就年龄而言,他的过错是可原谅的。His fault is excusable, considering his age.

贝来里在考虑来自利沃诺的邀请。Belleri is considering an offer from Livorno.

中方是否考虑将其遣返?Is China considering having them repatriated?

RMST正在考虑明年的第七次潜水打捞行动。RMST is considering a seventh dive next year.

我们会在下周考虑我们的回应态度。We will be considering our response next week.

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俄罗斯海军考虑法国战舰。Russia navy considering buying French-built ship.

很好,我们考虑的是0号物品。That's good. And we're considering item number 0.

从这两点来说她是值得称赞的。Considering these two points, she is praiseworthy.