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我坐床上,看着她打扮。I sat on the bed watching her primp.

他们基本就跟之前一样打扮一下,拗拗造型,做做简单动作和脸部表情罢了。They basically primp and pose through the same humdrum motions they did before.

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如果女人对你感兴趣,就会精心打扮自己以关注自己的外表。If a woman is into you, she'll primp herself to draw attention to her appearance.

它们从没有精心装饰,但却有着好的颜色和设计。They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen colour and design quite like it?

你以处子之身假扮青楼女子,正是你最大的败笔。You primp as brothel woman by the body of place son, is exactly your biggest flaw in prose.

自我陈述我第一次迷上模型飞机制作是在上小学的时候。It was at primp school that I became fascinated with model planes making for the first time in my life.

看你那愁眉苦脸的模样,怎么,扮我男朋友,就那么折您老的大驾吗?See you that fashion that wear a woebegone wording, how, primp as my boyfriend, so fold you old your good ego?

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他们这几个假扮的警察,就可以借口把他逮捕,找到一个没人的角落里处理掉。Their this several polices who primp for, can loan to arrest him, find out the inside processing in corner of a none to drop.

“色女,想不到你打扮打扮,还有点看头。”心中惊艳,口里却不肯承认。"Color woman, unexpectatively you primp foppery and have some to look a head. "Heart in stunning, inside but Be not ambitioning to admit.

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